Where are the righties?, page-38

  1. 47,951 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @CharlieShares, thanks for delivering on your own demand, IMO you've done a reasonable job with those two lists; prompting me to respond!

    Five Good things about the LNP:
    1. They honor election outcomes when handing over government in an orderly, responsible manner alien to countries such as the USA.
    2. The LNP reliably promotes business perspectives and ensures business is very well looked after by government.
    3. The Libs and the Nats generally work pretty well together.
    4. The Libs are only too happy to remove an inept leaders including Brendan Nelson and Tony Abbott.
    5. The LNP works very well with Australia's wealthiest corporations, large American corporations and wealthy individuals.

    Five Bad things about the ALP:
    1. Labor has degenerated into a moderately right wing and moderately authoritarian party similar to what the Coalition was in the 1960s and 1970s - the stuff of status quo, forelock tugging and very pedestrian.
    2. Labor has helped to create education apartheid by public funding of 'private schools' and by drowning young Aussies in $Debt via the imposition of HECs.
    3. Labor has refused to withdraw from AUKUS - a worse than dud deal putting Australia at odds with our major trading partner and at hideous expense to taxpayers.
    4. Increasing wasteful defence spending to 2.4% of GDP [$54 BIllion in 2023-24 alone] to assist US warmongering and exacerbate military conflicts throughout the world.
    5. Dropping the ball on properly addressing global warming / climate change - absolutely underwhelming progress on the greatest single threat to our future.
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