Next US President... DJT or RFK?, page-2

  1. 1,898 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 59
    IMHO, it would take a spectacular candidate at least 2 election cycles, to actually get elected as a 3rd party, non-Democrat/Republican, to become President of the USA.
    Once to get off the ground, do amazingly, have a major presence in the public discussion on the issues, and equally importantly actually get, or at least come a good second, in at least a handful of states' Electoral College contingents.
    And then in round-2, four years later, to actually be a contender.

    Kennedy is not a spectacular candidate. He has achieved a reasonable presence in the public debate, but much of that is in the wackiness index. He's not getting any traction on the issues.
    And he's too old to be any sort of prospect in 2028. Surely America won't see another bi-partisan / tri-partisan geriatric race next time around?

    Trump? Dunno. If enough American's stay on the Kool-aid, anything's possible. But while the New York campaign funds violation case is small beer legally, it's giving airplay to Trump's boorishness. Men may brush it off, but somehow I think a lot of American women will finally recognise that Trump is the embodiment of some of their worst personal experiences. A lot more American women; conservative-inclined women.

    Biden? He has to stay alive and upright for another 6 months. He'll probably manage the former but the latter is very questionable. At least Biden is a leader of a governing administration, (not just a cabal of "loyal" sycophants a la Trump). But Biden has to be the walking talking face of that administration, and it's line-ball if he carry it on long enough.

    Democracy is not well in the USA: the word's 3rd most populous country, with as long a history of institutionalised party-politics as anywhere, and this is what they come up with?
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