greens party - there is turmoil in the ranks

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    so, sarah hanson young challenged milne for deputy leadership and lost, straight after the election...only came to light now....
    anyone noticed hanson young has much to say these days....leaving old bob and old milne in the background...
    wilkie goes his own way too....will he challenge old bob for the job ? in a meeting now....trying to toss out old bob brown perhaps....
    its not a happy party....there is no consistency, it used to be just old they have a couple of newbies to contend with.....all seem to have different views and priorities....
    early days....leading up to the vic elections....
    hopefully they will implode before they take over the senat next year

    btw....silly old windsor and oakshott are very very quiet at the moment.....just a bit of dirt thrown up from their backgrounds, to silence the big mouths perhaps....with so many skeletons in the come out at the appropriate time.....and these are labors best friends, the warriors to keep labor in power.....pffftt shallow show ponies and nothing more....just a load of hot air , as usual
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