why doesn't the Opposition have anything?

  1. 47,492 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 649
    to complain about the Govt one must have really issues to complain about.

    all the right seem to have is stupid nit-picking propaganda, distortions and outright lies.

    if they had anything remotely legitimate to find fault in the Labs they would gain credibility. Instead all they offer is farcical claims of no consequence.

    IF the LNP is to gain traction and make headway toward the election they need to get serious; they need a change of leadership and the front bench as the current mob are showing true ineptitude and lack of factual criticisms.

    theres plenty to be scathing of the Lab mob:
    • increasing GHG emissions by approving new coal mines and CSG
    • the $1/2BBn "investment" in a dodgy cryo quantum computer
    • promoting Aus made batteries and solar panels as if there already aren't any manufacturers (3 battery makers and Tindo solar panels)
    • the folly of maintaining the AUKUS deal and wasting hundreds of Billions of taxpayer $$$ on a few subs that will be obsolete by the time they're delivered
    • inadequate response on DV, making homes and streets safer for women
    • the failed Voice campaign
    • staying neutral wrt Israel/Gaza war when its bloomin' obvious that Netanyahu is conducting a series of war-crimes. he should be supporting Gazans as a humanitarian crisis and recognise the State of Palestine.

    and many many more problems. but they can't criticise these matters because the Libs prefer to stick with lies.
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