How we Got the Bible - didn't Fall from he Sky, page-53

  1. 5,756 Posts.
    Do you honestly think I don’t know the difference between bibles I have around 15 different versions and a number of commentaries," = bias views to led you into an interpretation, that's probably not there.
    But once the seeds are set, it's over rover.

    Have you looked in a mirror, as all you’re posting is no more then your imagination of what you think the bible is saying, and it doesn’t get past you, as you continually say, No one does what you do, simples
    "see my library of books written by all the Tom Dick and Harry’s that I have and where I get my info from" = as above, seed planting.
    As above


    "The big question is where do you get your history from" = The Bible and what you once posted on said questionable CC records, dating back to around the 100's, as to what the CC started teaching, which in no way aligns with the Bible and what the Apostles and Jesus taught.
    Hence, the CC is Not a follow on from the Apostles Truths.

    Again no body does what you do, case closed

    "I told you before check your own history as much is nothing but anti-CC propaganda, for example," = once again, your following and believing planted seeds.
    More often than not, the said general history records, are Not written by the good guys, so you have to dig deep.
    These said history records you speak of, would be no more than counter reformation means.

    Again no body does what you do, case closed
    Obviously you haven’t read the fabricating that was told by the reformers, have you and your U.S preachers

    "The Catholic Church has always maintained it’s continuous and unbroken institution founded by Jesus Christ, with the apostles as its first leaders."
    The Bible CLEARLY says, shows otherwise, your spill just on John 17:3 alone is a clear example, not to mention John 10:30, 17:20-24 = translation of 10:30 etc.
    Sorry again, nobody does what you do, plus nobody has your own imagination of these verses
    "Are you telling us that there was ever a point in history where the Catholic Church completely abandoned its connection to the apostles and started anew, "
    Your own questionable records that you once presented, show YES, beginning somewhere around the 100's
    Not completely though, it just become the likes of the sheep in wolf's clothing, without the head coverings or it's rear end LOL.

    This is bouncing it off your imagination on scripture, which nothing of yours holds
    " 300 years of prosecuting the martyrs"

    This means zero, they could have be martyrs for simply believing in Humpty Dumpty and prepared to die for him, due to their delusions. lol.

    Sure Humpty dumpty this is where your argument falls apart, as the apostles were with the ones that got martyred, starting in the year 66AD with Nero, Yeap you said it they died for a delusion lol
    Your see how ignorant you are, absolutely clueless twisting and turning to make it fit into your own delusion

    "In Christianity, there are many churches and denominations that have been founded by individuals who claimed to have received a special revelation, guidance from God or better understanding of the bible. Some examples include:"
    BUT, they come away from the CC's, still clinging to the CC's key core corrupted roots, as to who and what the Father and Son are, hence, resulting in the Huge numbers of them, which should be expected, no if buts maybe's.

    Want to try again wotsup, Christianity, East and West, in case you don’t know what that is, its Catholicism, Orthodox and other Eastern churches can all be traced to the apostles.
    Where the rest are called Protestants including ones who call themselves bible alone, are all the same emerging from Martin Luther and the reformers meaning man started them, or manmade, and no amount of posting is going to change this fact
    That’s the difference you can “no if buts maybe's.
    all you want as none can trace their ancestries to the apostles, unless you break into the CC family tree
    As Protestantism has broken away from the CC and the reason they only go bible alone is because they have no heritage, and it’s the only way they can safe face as to pretending to be Christians and not feel guilty, but the time will tell when facing judgement time


    Not only the martyrs throw you under that bus so too does the separation of Christianity from Judaism as a distinct religion:
    These are the reasons and are :
    Jesus Christ: The Son of God The early Christians believed that Jesus was not just a prophet or a great teacher, but the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross for the sins of humanity.
    This understanding of Jesus' divinity and mission was not accepted by the Jewish leadership, who saw him as a blasphemer and a threat to their authority.

    Salvation through Faith The early Christians believed that salvation was not achieved through obedience to the Law (Torah), but through faith in Jesus Christ.
    This emphasis on faith in Jesus, rather than adherence to Jewish law and tradition, marked a significant departure from Jewish theology.

    The Holy Spirit and Baptism The early Christians believed that the Holy Spirit was given to believers upon conversion, and that baptism was necessary for salvation.
    These practices were not part of Jewish worship or ritual, and they marked a distinct difference between Christianity and Judaism.

    The Kingdom of God The early Christians believed that the Kingdom of God had already begun with Jesus' death and resurrection, and that it would be fully realized in the future.
    This understanding of the Kingdom of God differed from Jewish eschatology, which expected a future Messiah who would establish God's kingdom on earth.

    The Nature of God The early Christians believed in the Trinity – one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    This understanding of God's nature was not shared by Jews, who believed in a single, unitary God.

    The Role of the Temple The early Christians did not see the Temple as a central place of worship, as they believed that Jesus had fulfilled the Temple's purpose and that worship could be done anywhere.
    This rejection of the Temple's significance was seen as a threat by Jewish leaders, who saw it as an attack on their tradition.

    Dietary Laws and Circumcision The early Christians did not observe dietary laws or require circumcision for converts, which marked a significant departure from Jewish practice.
    This rejection of traditional Jewish practices led to tensions between Jewish Christians and other Jews.

    The Apocalyptic Expectations The early Christians believed in an imminent return of Jesus Christ, which was not shared by Jewish leaders who expected a more gradual fulfillment of prophecies.
    This difference in eschatological expectations led to disagreements over the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection.
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