Before he speaks on Rafah...., page-194

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    Comment by Jamaican author McKay.
    Bolshevism has made Russia safe for the Jew. It has liberated the Slav peasant from priest and bureaucrat who can no longer egg him on to murder Jews to bolster up their rotten institutions.

    Studies of Bolshevik opposition to antisemitism after October 1917 generally set off from the famous Sovnarkom decree of July 1918, by Lenin.

    17 G. V. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika Stalina: Vlast’ i antisemitizm (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 2003), 56; G. Ia. Aronson, ‘Evreiskaia obshchestvennost’ v Rossii v 1917-1918 g.g.’, in Kniga o russkom evreistve 1917-1967, ed. Ia. G. Frumkin, G. Ia. Aronson, and A. A. Gol’denveizer (New York: Soiuz Russkikh Evreev, 1968), 132; S. M. Schwarz, The Jews in the Soviet Union (New York:
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