Australian Economy goes BOOM! GDP growth at 22 year low for March QTR, page-15

  1. 1,292 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    You ever heard of life insurance, income protection and trauma insurance?

    That is what responsible people do, they take personal responsibility for making sure they and there family are looked after.

    NDIS should only apply to people who are born with the condition, everyone else can get of their ass and get appropriate insurance.

    Nah, easier to make the taxpayer pay. Another mantra of the left. You see the big problem is the public service is full of lefties, they are no good at anything, have never run a business, never been accountable and are totally unsuited to run anything. The public service created this mess, yet they blame everyone else.

    When they start being accountable maybe they will learn how to do their job but until then, we do not need them. And I am taking of those bottom feeders sitting in offices all over the country doing SFA, not the front line who are professionals in my eyes and are why we pay taxes.
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