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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    HI Joannie, sorry to hear about your hard journey, I can;t help with all of it but I do have a couple of things you can look into.

    "I have had a complicated journey. I have suffered from panic attacks and depression for over 40 years.
    In late 2019, I lost a beloved family member. I fell to pieces and cried constantly, could not function. I was lucky enough to see psychiatrists free of charge as we were living in the wheatbelt. I was diagnosed with PTSD severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I had already had to sell my thriving business several years before, as I could no longer drive.He then told me that I had suffered a nervous breakdown, which did make sense."

    If you can find a copy of W.D. Kendall's "Perfect Freedom" grab it and read it. It's only a short book but he starts off by describing his experience with pretty much those exact symptoms. I do have a pdf of it but don't know how to get it to you.

    "I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and high cholesterol, one damn Dr persuaded me to take statins, I finally agreed to a very low dose, but I am not happy tbh taking them."

    I had the same diagnosis about 10 years ago, I refused to take statins because I knew of their dangers, yes they do reduce cholesterol but I'm not convinced that's a good idea. Here is a book on the topic by a doctor, you might find enlightening.

    For the fatty liver I came across this great little book, followed the directions exactly and had great relief from the very first one. I did a series of 10 throughout 2015, 4-6 weeks apart. Have a read of it and you will know if it's for you or not.

    "Then I had my third jab and felt exhausted all of the time,"

    This was my dad's experience as well, prior to that he was still going to the gym 3 times a week (at 86). He's doing a bit better now but it took him a good 18 months or so after his 3rd jab. That included 2 times he collapsed and stopped breathing and a 3 month long bout of vertigo. All of which he had never had his entire life. I'm convinced this poison was designed to kill people off, especially older people. So if you don't take ANY more vaccines of any kind and are able to tough it out for the next 12 months or so your body may be able to clear the spike protein from your system. Maybe. Nobody really knows at this point but there are doctors networks forming to treat patients to the best of their abilities and not according to global political agendas.

    Please keep in mind, I am not a doctor and I have not had any of the covid shots.

    Hope some of that helps.

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