Take a Paws, page-33738

  1. 18,414 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 185
    @310843B - I normally do not respond to such outdated codswallop as you post on here; but will make an exception just once, because you have nested in what was once a benign thread not started by you


    I won't even engage discussing the historical misconception in your 30-or so word invective, but the one needing to do a bit of reading and educating is you - the historic background to that very sad and horrific history of Europe is beyond your simple mind.

    The fact that Hitler misappropriated the word 'Socialism' was a stroke of genius by this publicity-minded man-monster because 'socialism' was the great danger, as the ruling classes saw it in a post-monarchical (and deeply outmoded) world. Socialism even had some small successes in my native city of Vienna - After WWI 'Red Vienna' managed to solve the housing problem for the poor in one fell swoop over a number of years - here in Australia we are still struggling with a small population not having enough single-houses built, because home ownership is based on capitalism; if capitalism is such a hit, why aren't there enough homes available to all?

    Mussolini, too, was a socialist first, then became a dictator, incidentally Mussolini was the first Nazi in Europe, not Hitler! Somehow all is forgotten about the Italians, because they turned lily-white right at the end.
    There were nazi-dictator-imitators all across Europe, even your beloved Slavs had a nasty dictator, Ante Pavelic - there was Franco in Spain - there was Salazar in Portugal, Hungary had General Horthy, even the French had a nazi-sympathiser in Petain - have you heard of 'Vichy-France'? and the Nordic countries? Was it Norway - and even Britain had its nazi sympathisers.

    But your attention span has probably ended, so just go on dribbling your stuff.

    My reason for being concerned about the Trump-phenomenon and the hankering of weak males (and females, they are even more pathetic) for a 'Master' - Is that I find from my contacts and reading of European papers, that it is a malaise which is reaching across the oceans - , as we see: even into Australia, it is reaching into the same mentality which allowed a monster like Hitler to gain dominance and lead whole nations, almost the world, into disaster. I have a deep trust in the virtues of democracy and feel there will be some restraints in place should Trump be elected as President - or else, he will commit some errors of such magnitude, that the legal framework of the Constitution of the United States will have to intervene. Meanwhile dictators at the other end of the world . . . .
    We live in interesting times

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