Things that make no sense

  1. 686 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7

    There are so many things that make little or no sense to me in this world. This to me is a total joke

    Some of these include:

    1) How in the world did Dan Andrews receive an Order of Australia. He is a total twat. Dictator who destroyed Victorian small businesses during the lockdowns, signed up to China's One Belt project behind the country's back, and has put Victoria in a massive debt that I can't see how will ever be repaid.

    2) How did Albo ever become prime minister. He has no idea about anything and is totally screwing the country more and more each day. He's a total joke.

    3) How did Biden ever become President. He can't even speak properly or speak a coherent sentence that actually makes sense. He should be in a nursing home as he is clearly not fit to run a country. He too has caused so much damage to the US and other nations of the world he has meddled in.

    4) Why do I need to pay for a tyre replacement by driving into a pot hole that the council refuses to fix. They should maintain their roads and highways properly to avoid these things occurring.

    5) Why does Disney continue to push LGBT crap into all their shows and movies. Most of these become box office failures, so I don't know why they continue to push this agenda through. It's a disgrace. And most of these become box office failures as as parents, why would they want to expose their kids to this crap.

    6) Why do many rapists on visas not get deported whereas those who make a positive contribution to society risk deportation as they have overstayed their welcome.

    7) Why do psycho mothers going through divorce still get awarded 50/50 custody....where is the justice in that?

    This world is becoming a total joke with clowns running governments, who continue to make stupid decisions
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