This is a very important message for those who do not know God., page-160

  1. 24,802 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    With your line of thinking, you would be ADDING a lot that is not there, something I'm not prepared to do, but if that's what you chose, then so be it.

    Don't loose sight of the fact as well, it was the man Jesus speaking of himself, in the here and now of the times.
    Not to mention, a man caused the problem, that would suggest that God would use a man to correct it, to show and nail the opposition, that one lower than him, can do what he failed to do = case closed Satan, your fair trial is over tongue.png, no appeal. lol.

    The verse following 3:13 and considering the one before it, that they wouldn't believe a heavenly thing, if he told them (which he does), imo shows that Jesus is in effect, giving a prophesy of what was going to happen (3:14 demands this thought), regarding him and him finishing up in heaven at the RHS of God as the scriptures tell us.
    The following is not related to the passages that we're speaking about, but it may be of interest to you.
    In that, from or soon after Jesus, we are deemed as in spiritual times and many NT passages should be read with this in mind.
    Example, literal and physical things and events in OT times, were foreshadows of the now spiritual.
    Ex - Physical Temple and now, we are supposed to be the Temples.
    God's Israel now, is those people of Jesus's and they are now citizens of Israel.
    Jerusalem above is our mother.

    Col 2:12 - buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
    Eph 2:6 - and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
    Jesus is a 2nd Adam Man, did the 1st have two natures?
    Does the Bible say he has two natures?

    One one made of dust and the other by the word and power of God, he is either a 2nd Adam or he is not? hmmmm! lol.

    The likes of Jesus's words, I can of my own self do nothing, the God and Father was the one doing the miracles through him Acts 2:22.

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