This is a very important message for those who do not know God., page-217

  1. 24,706 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Luke 12:10
    And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit =FATHER will not be forgiven.

    Does that by any chance give you a hint as to WHY Jesus made NO reference to the Father is this verse???
    Are you a Word of God yet tongue.png

    "I won't place myself into a delusional position like you."

    So you don't want to be born again and become a Word of God, his image..............and God was/is the Word.?
    Your call, but I did here that there is a Big Book and guess what goes into books, yep..............words.
    PS. The Father is the Holy Spirit,

    "That's a reasonable perception. Look a little deeper!"

    There is no deeper, unless you wish to start creating.
    The Holy Spirit Fathered Jesus and we know he doesn't have two Fathers, hmmm
    so destroy your created holy spirit person,
    "So do tell of this created holy spirit person. What do you understand of Him?"

    Simple, there is No such thing, it's a created thing by the likes of the trinity followers.
    God the Father is Spirit and that is the One Holy Spirit.
    "You would replace Holy Spirit with God the Father, would you wotsup?"

    There is NO replacing to be done, those references are one in the same.
    It's what you have made out of the holy spirit, that you need to kick out of your Temple.
    You have made another god out of it and an idol and as you have stolen the God and Fathers Spirit which he is, you naturally have to give him another, to replace it eek.png = 2 Thes 2:4. -> it, itself, sitting up in you.

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