US universities crawling with ‘Black Budget’ biological programs

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), speaking at a Turning Point Action conference on Saturday, vowed to have former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci sent to prison over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants
to jail Anthony Fauci over Covid

“Dr. Anthony Fauci (above) should be tried for crimes against humanity,” Greene said at the conference, in comments highlighted by Mediaite, leading to the crowd chanting, “lock him up.”

She responded, “Well I can assure that if I have anything to do with it, I will lock him up. He belongs in prison.”

By Alexandra Bruce

Dr David Martin was in Austin, Texas to testify before the State Legislature and he swung by InfoWars studios for a spontaneous tête-à-tête with Alex Jones with updates on the war that we’re in.

He addressed some of the controversies among the aware community and gave some updates on the impacts of recent legal cases and he names of the most treacherous offenders in our bureaucracy who must be prosecuted.

Dr David Martin

I’ll attempt, here to make a bullet-point summary of this epic meeting of minds between two individuals who do not suffer from a fear of public speaking.


• Coronavirus has been in play as a biological weapon agent since 1966.

• In 1990, Pfizer filed the first patent on a vaccine for coronavirus.

• In 1999, University of North Carolina Scientist, Ralph Baric succeeded in transforming a gastrointestinal bug into something that would create cardiomyopathy in rabbits. In other words, Baric made SARS, patented it on April 19, 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which didn’t occur until several months later.

Patent #7279327 clearly lays out the very specific gene sequencing and how the ACE-2 receptor was the binding domain for the S1 spike protein. Note that the patent calls it “replication defective”, which means “non-transmissable”.

Yes, you understood that correctly: all the lockdowns, the masking, the “6-feet apart”, the plexiglas, the “no-contact” deliveries – to say nothing of the mandated Death Shot, itself – all of these mandates were invented and tyrannically enforced – over a GMO that was non-transmissable, by design, in the very language of its freaking patent!

• Dr David Martin continues: “And in 1999, going into 2002, the world knew that the thing that had been modified was actually modified, so that it would inflame the cardiovascular system – and I don’t know how to explain this in a way that anybody can quite wrap their head around – but when Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson all said, ‘Oh, my gosh, we’re surprised by the heart disease! We’re surprised by the sudden cardiac death! We’re surprised by the inflammation of the cell linings of the vascular system! We’re surprised by the clot formations.!’

Not a single one of those statements was true. No one was surprised. This was published data between 1999 and 2002. So we need to be extremely clear on this.This nonsense that somehow or another, Pfizer was the victim of an “unintended consequence” is absolute BS. They knew it was going to hit the human heart. They knew it was going to hit the vascular system. They knew there were going to be clots. And all of this was published in 2002.

• There never was a “China Virus”. SARS CoV-2 was developed by Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci, who were the architects of the pandemic and of the plan to profit on the forced-vaxxination of everybody on the planet, which goes back to at least 2016 in a document titled “Developing Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) for Coronavirus”, which is part of the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.

• Dr David Martin says “Nobody in Congress, nobody in the Senate – and particularly, Rand Paul – is going to actually call out the fact that the Wuhan investigation is a cover story to make sure that no one knows that the United States is funding the programs in the United States.”

• Dr David Martin says, “Nobody wants to admit that the United States Government is actually funding these programs and laundering these programs through universities in very important electoral locations around the world. People tell me about “election integrity” and “election reform”. Let’s get really clear:

“Why is it that Texas? Why is it that North Carolina? Why is it that Virginia? Why is it that all of these states – Tennessee, Kentucky – why is it that for some mysterious reason, none of the senators and none of the congressmen from these places have the audacity to actually go, “Hey, hold on a minute. I think our university is actually running a biological weapons program!”

• Dave says our universities are crawling with Black Budget programs, where NIAID has a disclosed amount of money – and right next to it is a DARPA grant that matches it.

• Dave enters into the “Virus Debate” with the following statement: “Let’s be abundantly clear. The coronavirus that has been branded to be part of COVID-19 does not exist. What does exist is a pathogen modeled off of properties of what was, once-upon-a-time isolated as coronavirus, but properties of it that increased its pathogenicity, increased its toxicity – but are you ready for this? – decreased its transmissibility.”

(Except for the final point, that the 2002 patent stipulated that it was non-transmissible, personally, I am still unelucidated about what is his stance on the existence or non-existence of viruses!)

• To fool the body into not rejecting the contents of the Death Shot, the vaxx contained pseudouridine, which in 2018 was published to be a pro-cancer agent, meaning that it actually shuts down the body’s natural response to how we actually recognize tumors and suppress tumors. This is the likely cause of the post-vaxx turbo cancers that we’re seeing.

• The CDC administratively changed the definition of “vaccine” but David says, “Here’s a tiny little problem: They don’t have the authority to administratively change it! The law dictates what a vaccination is and nothing that was done during the entire pandemic constituted ‘vaccination’, by the legal definition…

“And let’s unpack that for one second, because here’s what happened, based on a set of code that Ralph Baric sent to the Vaccine Research Center in November of 2019. And you heard me say that date correctly. November 2019. That’s allegedly before patient 1.0 in Wuhan.

Ralph Baric sent a sequence to the Vaccine Research Center, and it was not for the coronavirus and it was not for the coronavirus vaccine. It was for the mRNA that was used to instruct the human body to make a ‘scheduled pathogen’. Let me say that again: to make a ‘scheduled pathogen’.

“What they did was they said, ‘What we’re going to do is, we’re going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bioweapons factory.’ And you could say, ‘Well, that’s hyperbole, Dave. Don’t call it a bioweapons factory!’

“Except here’s a tiny little problem. Under 18 US Code, that’s exactly what it is! If you instruct a person to make a scheduled toxin, you, in fact, are a biological weapons manufacturer! And every single person that took the shot, let’s be really clear, every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model.”

“We changed the definition of ‘vaccination’. No kidding. And we changed the definition of an ‘adverse event following vaccination’ in 2018 and 2019, so that legally, there was no adverse event! If you got the shot and fell over dead, that was not an ‘adverse event’. Isn’t that interesting? Death, not an ‘adverse event’?” P2/