america show support for vibrant IRANIAN democracy

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    WASHINGTON — The Biden administration will again allow Iran to run absentee voter stations on U.S. soil for next week’s Iranian presidential election, VOA has learned, prompting the Islamic republic’s critics to denounce the plan as absurd and shameful.

    seriously but what is the problem that candidates have to be pre-approved by the religious leaders ???

    american presidents have very little control over foreign policy .. presidents/politicians are in the pockets of lobby groups/vested interests .... which is one reason why america are always at war ..

    in australia - labor or liberals - we are just a vassal american state .... not much chance of being an australian prime minister without the approval of the americans..

    25 years ago anthony albanese was pro palestinian, anti america .. ie no hope of ever being PM .. and as watso posted elsewhere

    Anthony Albanese has criticised student protesters and reprimanded a junior senator for speaking out. But he was once an outspoken advocate too, attending a protest in 2000 where Israeli flags were burned and the US consulate stormed.

    we are told that russian elections are rigged .. yet simply on an objective basis, it is easy to understand why st poots has such a high approval rating from russians ..

    mmm and food for thought - but how come with so called democracy..... mmm how come america are always at war ???? how often do the american plebs ever vote for war????

    all that american democracy really means, is that flotus has the total freedom to choose the colour of the bedsheets

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