AI superintelligence, page-5

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    D Benton Smith

    Anyone interested in the phenom called Nvidea and its magic stock price?


    Great. Here’s what that’s all about. It’s about the massive putsch for AI. Back in the day (like 30 years ago) Nvidia made integrated circuit boards that featured their own central processor, tons of “buffer” memory and specialized chips to handle the math-heavy chore of calculating (at very high speeds) the computer gamers wanted for the 2 & 3 dimensional animated graphics which characterizes gaming. Think of them as complete “computers-on-a-board” that took a load off the CPU and enabled the generation and display of more or less “convincing” animation on the computer display.

    It was a short hop from that task to the task of doing the similarly “compute” heavy sub-routines required for AI. In other words, Nvidia builds the task-specific integrated circuit boards that comprise the central nervous systems of Artificial Intelligence computers that are sucking up 20% of all the electrical power presently being generated on planet Earth.

    Won’t be of any use at all without the juice to run them, so the fantasy of “AI Everything, Everywhere, for Everyone” is a fever dream. Won’t happen. Can’t be done. The PHYSICAL reality is that computing power has a DIRECT correlation to electrical power, regardless of how that computing power is built.

    THAT’s the part that the “Artificial Intelligence” boys aren’t saying out loud. I dunno how they plan to generate the necessary electrical power to do all that artificial cogitating (maybe they intend to hook us all up to the Matrix) but it don’t change the arithmetic.

    Nvidia stock (and the whole AI masturbation fantasy along with it) is a Ponzi scheme that SHALL hit the wall when it runs out of fresh suckers who believe that exponential expansions can run forever.

    Might look good on paper to a greedy moron, but it looks like Hell to anyone grounded in facts.

    Short the stock while the grid remains up and you still can.

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