News: Europe Distillates-Diesel refining margins edge lower

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    LONDON, June 27 (Reuters) - Northwest European diesel barge refining margins fell by about 76 cents to $20.51 a barrel on Thursday, even as stocks in Northwest Europe fell by almost 3% on the week.

    • A total of six 10ppm diesel barges traded in the Platts window on Thursday, up from four on Wednesday. Shell and ExxonMobil sold barges to Hartree, Gunvor and BP.
    • Independently-held gasoil inventories in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) STK-GO-ARA fell by nearly 3% in the week to Thursday to just under 2.2 million metric tons, according to data from Dutch consultancy Insights Global.
    • A drop-off in gasoil imports caused the stock draw, Insights Global's van Wageningen said, as well as lower demand for product in inland markets up the Rhine river because of higher prices.
    • Jet fuel stocks also fell, by around 2.5% to 920,000 tons, as demand starts to pick up for the summer holiday season, he added.
    • Singapore's middle distillates stockpiles were little changed from a week earlier as gains in net exports of diesel/gasoil were offset by the declines in jet fuel/kerosene, official data showed on Thursday.
    • U.S. distillate stockpiles USOILD=ECI , which include diesel and heating oil, fell by 377,000 barrels last week to 121.3 million barrels, Energy Information Administration data showed. Distillate product supplied declined by 441,000 bpd week-over-week to 3.54 bpd.
    				Trades  Bids	Offers  Previou  Seller  Buyer 
     0.1 GO Barge											 

    diffs fob ARA per tonne

    GO-ED-ARA 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif NEW per tonne

    GO-CND-NWE 0.1 GO Cargo diffs cif Med per tonne

    GO-CND-MED 50ppm barge diffs fob ARA per tonne Diesel Trades Bids Offers Previou Seller Buyer

     Diesel barge   July					July	 Shell,  Hartre 
     diffs fob ARA  +$1.50				  +$1.50-  Exxon   e, 
     per tonne	  -2.00				   $2 (4			Gunvor 
     Diesel cargo		   July	July					  
     diffs cif NWE		  +$8	 +$13					  
     per tonne												

    Diesel cargo Med Petroi Vitol diffs cif Med +$2 neos per tonne

    DL-CIFD-MED Jet fuel Trades Bids Offers Previou Seller Buyer

     Jet fuel					   July					  

    barge +$54 diffs fob FARAG per tonne

    JET-BD-ARA Jet fuel July cargo +$56 cif NEW per tonne


    Fuel Oil Trades Bids Offers Previous Seller Buyer

     0.5% barge   $562-56				 $554-$55  Total,  Mercuri 
     fob ARA per  3 (3					5 (3	  BP	  a, 
     tonne		barges)				 barges)		   Northst 
     3.5% barge   $489-49				 $479 (4   Gunvor  United, 
     fob ARA per  0 (6					barges)   ,	   BP, 
     tonne		barges)						   Total   Vitol 

    ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil LGOc1 Previous

     Diesel ARA Barge		$20.51		   $21.27 
     Cracks vs Brent						   

    futures (per barrel) Diesel spread LGOc1-LGOc2

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