Take a Paws, page-34411

  1. 22,243 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    I think most of us know not to go to the ABC for balanced political facts in this day and age, even the new ABC boss man has told it's journalists they can't keep on being so bias and telling porkies and getting the ABC sued as it destroys the reputation of our ABC even more than it's already been wrecked.

    Landline probably about the only thing left thats watchable but even they push a political bias at times and with stories.

    People need to watch/listen to podcasts from more centre leaning people or even more right wing people because our Oz MSM and government owned propaganda outlets like our ABC only really push the Left, extreme left, and WEF based narratives so the people mainly only hear all the commie left opinions and outlooks on life and science, centre aligned podcasters like that democrat Joe Rogan isn't too bad, he has a lot of comedians on but they do discuss some political events at times and the discussion isn't like one see's on our TV, they openly discuss things and go back and forth with debate in language that is much easier for the masses to understand and also check things they debate about by googling news articles etc.

    I've listened to a few of the podcasts he has with comedians but prefer listening to ones he has with well known people or intelligent educated types, he has all sorts of people on there, some of them very interesting, i think he's even had RFK jr on there which is well worth a listen, Tusli **bard too and a few others like ex-CIA, evolution type scientists that believe theres a creator etc etc and due to them being long form podcasts all these people have time to explain themselves and why they think the way they do, they have the time to give their reasoning and Joe lets them speak as Joe doesn't butt and interupt if someone is saying what he doesn't like so he can try and keep the podcast or interview on a certain narrative he just lets them speak and he might question their reasonings afterwards with our MSM most of the time theres always and underlying narrative that the show intends to establish and push to it's viewers whereas as Joe just.

    Lex Friedman isn't too bad either and he has some good quality guests on too, both Joe and Lex have lefties and righties and commies and Hollywood actors and scientists, health experts etc etc thus one gets to listen to all points of view without being herded into a certain conclusion/narrative like our MSM do to us, however i don't think Lex is as brainy or cluey as Joe on the fly as Joe generally asks better questions or challenges his guests opinion or conclusions more intelligently than Lex imo and because of this i think one gets a better explanation of his guests belief's/opinions/conclusions out of his guests than Lex does.

    I don't like that Ben Shapario fella so i don't listen to him, he's got some sort of agenda i don't think i like imo.

    Tucker Carlson is also good with his content as he can have some important people on, he even interviewed Putin but i think to listen to him one has to be more of a political type person.

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