Russia Ukraine war, page-227174

  1. 1,056 Posts.
    Nobody in their right mind would call NATO a defensive organisation. It's the largest terrorist organisation on the planet, posing as a "defensive alliance".
    And is the largest single contributor to the creation and escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

    Most of defending NATO, are nothing but brainwashed pro-NATO shills, who never took the time to read anything about NATO, outside reports coming from legacy media.

    The Orwellian Attacks on Critics of NATO Policy Must Stop

    Whenever war or geopolitical tensions spark jingoistic fervor, there are always efforts by certain factions to try to stamp out dissent, flatten nuance and historical context into a simple black-and-white narrative, and use the moment to settle scores and advance their careers.

    The last time we in the West lived through this was a little over twenty years ago, when outrage over the September 11 atrocity quickly led to a militaristic climate in which only the most extreme and reckless military responses were given a platform.

    The result was a rash of disasters and foolish policy choices that all sensible people came to regret. Overseas, $8 trillion worth of US wealth was poured into a “war on terror” that destroyed two countries, one of which had no connection to the attack whatsoever, and killed nearly a million people worldwide (including more than seven times as many Americans as died on September 11), while displacing 38 million other people.

    The US government set up a worldwide system of torture dungeons, whose inmates included innocent people it had mistakenly kidnapped, and traumatized entire societies with killer drones and covert death squads that wiped out whole families and villages at a stroke, with no warning.

    After decades, all of this came to be almost universally viewed as a terrible, shameful mistake.Twenty years later, we’re now witnessing a very similar sequence of events playing out, with potentially even more horrifying consequences.

    Read the full article here:
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