daytrades nov 16 afternoon, page-2

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Thanks Endless!

    1pm - 'Economic news' courtesy reminder time Traders!

    'Market Focus' in the US this evening

    "A rebound in industrial production's manufacturing component would more than offset yesterday's plunge for the Empire State report." [Source:, Mark Pender]

    'Market Reflections' from the last trading session (15.11.2010)

    "Retail sales show increasingly impressive momentum yet it wasn't enough to rally investors. Sovereign trouble in Europe was a negative in the session as was a steep set back in New York state manufacturing activity. The Dow ended only fractionally higher at 11,201.

    Troubles in Ireland and Portugal are giving a further boost to the dollar index which rose more than 1/2 percent to 78.60. Rates jumped in the session but news wasn't to blame, rather dealers said volumes were thin and selling was technical. The 30-year Treasury yield rose 12 basis points to 4.40 percent. Commodities were mixed with oil ending at $84.50 and gold at $1,360." [Source:, Mark Pender]

    Of note in the US this evening:-

  2. Producer Price Index [ Market moving indicator]
    [The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a measure of the average price level for a fixed basket of capital and consumer goods received by producers.]

  3. Industrial Production [ Market moving indicator]
    [The index of industrial production is available nationally by market and industry groupings. The major groupings are comprised of final products (such as consumer goods, business equipment and construction supplies), intermediate products and materials. The industry groupings are manufacturing (further subdivided into durable and nondurable goods), mining and utilities. The capacity utilization rate -- reflecting the resource utilization of the nation's output facilities -- is available for the same market and industry groupings.]

  4. Treasury International Capital [ Merits extra attention]
    [These Treasury data track the flows of financial instruments into and out of the United States. Instruments tracked include Treasury securities, agency securities, corporate bonds, and corporate equities.]

  5. Housing Market Index [ Merits extra attention]
    [The National Association of Home Builders produces a housing market index based on a survey in which respondents from this organization are asked to rate the general economy and housing market conditions. The housing market index is a weighted average of separate diffusion indexes: present sales of new homes, sale of new homes expected in the next six months, and traffic of prospective buyers in new homes.]

  6. Net Long-term TIC Flows (Sep); and Total Net TIC Flows (Sep) [ Moderate volatility expected]
    [The total Net TIC Flows is released by the US Department of Treasury. TIC stands for Treasury International Capital. It shows in and out flows of financial resources in the United States. The TIC flows is one of the major events in the market, as it is seen by most participants as the Government resource for offsetting the current Trade Deficit. Generally speaking, a high reading is positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is negative (or bearish).]

  7. ICSC-Goldman Store Sales
    [This weekly measure of comparable store sales at major retail chains, published by the International Council of Shopping Centers, is related to the general merchandise portion of retail sales. It accounts for roughly 10 percent of total retail sales.]

  8. ABC/Washington Post Consumer Confidence (Nov)
    [The ABC/Washington Post Consumer Confidence released by ABC News and the Washington Post captures the level of confidence that individuals have in economic activity reflecting respondents' evaluations of their personal financial situation. Generally, a high level of consumer confidence stimulates economic expansion while a low level drives to economic downturn. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).]

  9. Capacity Utilization (Oct)
    [The Capacity Utilization released by the Federal Reserve Board is the percentage of the US production capacity which is actually used over the short-time period. It is indicative of overall growth and demand in the U.S. economy. A high capacity utilization stimulates inflationary pressures. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish).]

  10. Redbook
    [A weekly measure of sales at chain stores, discounters, and department stores. It is a less consistent indicator of retail sales than the weekly ICSC index. It is also calculated differently than other indicators.]

  11. 4-Week Bill Auction; 52-Week Bill Auction
    [Treasury bills are sold at public auctions every week.]

    ... AND ...

    Of note in Australia tomorrow:-

  12. Wage Price Index (QoQ) (YoY) (Q3)
    [The Wage Price Index released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is an indicator of labor cost inflation and of the tightness of labor markets. The Reserve Bank of Australia pays close attention to it when setting interest rates. A high reading is positive (or bullish) for the AUD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).]

    [Sources used:; &]

    ASX Market Watch (widget snapshot)

    Gold Spot Price atm (Kitco)

  13. ... and the DOW futures are currently Down 37 pts atm (Live)!
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