Which Gal 2:7 is correct, OF or TO ?, page-111

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    ONCE AGAIN, THE PPM SHADDERS AND TRYING TO ADDDRESS -> "Jesus unquestionably, independently of himself, defines the Father as the only true God when here."
    is in John 17:3
    "There is no such thing, its a conclusion of what Jesus said that you have added to bolster your take"

    This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father 1& 2) the only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    1. Does Jesus include himself as the only true God here = NO.
    2. Is the Father a separate identity to Jesus = YES.
    3. Is Jesus referring to a singular God here = YES.
    4. Who does the Book of John say Jesus is = The Son of God, which would naturally be the Only True God that Jesus speaks of here.
    5. Does Jesus's quote from the OT -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah -> confirm, support Jesus's words in 17:3 = YES.
    6. Does Paul's words -> 1 Cor 8:6 - yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. -> confirm, support Jesus's words in 17:3 = YES.
    7. Does Paul in anyway shape or form, say Jesus is this one God = NO.
    8. John 1:18 = after the cross, which we know is when Jesus was exalted and glorified, he is NOW referenced as an only begotten God, which simply means he was NOT a begotten God until he was begotten = does that confirm, back Jesus's words in John 17:3 that the Father was the only true God when here = YES.
    9. From the above, does this show that the Father independent of Jesus, was the Only true God when Jesus was here = Yes.
    10. Does Jesus in 17:3 Independently of himself define the Father as the only true God = YES most definitely.

    = there is absolutely such thing as, the Father being the only true God when Jesus was here = Jesus defined him as such, independently of himself.

    "its a conclusion of what Jesus said that you have added to bolster your take"

    It's NOT my take, it is CLEARLY Jesus's take, conclusion of which I adopt, you cannot read it any other way and claim to be supporting Jesus's CLEAR TRUTH.
    "And while your at it, show us where we have to add such notions or imagination to scripture instead of letting the bible talk by itself"

    They are not notions or imaginations, they are the clear and obvious that go without saying.
    The verse does speak LOUD and CLEAR for itself, but for some VERY STRANGE reasons you ADD -> " such notions or imagination to scripture instead of letting the bible talk by itself" -> as per the following"what.png
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