labor sidelines effective assessment of nbn, page-66

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Grafton -

    You are dead right.

    What this laughable charade all boils down to is that
    Australia is virtually beig ruled by two complete nincompoops - Windsor and Oakeshott. But they are cunning nincompoops, don't delude yourselves!

    It is THEY who control this country. WE live by what these do, say, and finally, dictate. Or which whim strikes them at the time. Oakeshott yesterday gets up in Parliament to ask JG his own Dorothy Dixer - some garbage about tourism -and whilst getting to his feet starts laughing idiotically at Gillard! Who grins back with complicity. Is he perhaps unhinged?

    As for Windsor, he has the hide - the gall - to stand there and lecture Australia on which Broadband will benefit them for the next ten years in his "expert" opinion - until it's $43 Billion is revealed in hindsight to have been money down the drain - in the same breath telling us he doesn't even have a computer on his desk!.
    If this whole scenario wasn't so tragic it;s be a good comedy script.

    And now Gillard and Conroy, (so sanctimonious when it comes to deriding Abbott about releasing costings) flatly refuse to release NBN business plan/costins prior to Parliament rising for the year. What out and out deceivers!

    Is it just me, or is the world going mad??

    Really, the political situation in this country is going downhill so fast - to the dogs - it is becoming the pits -
    and I'm starting to get so absolutely fed up with having morons in "charge" (if you could call it that!) that I'm wondering whether it's all the words we write here are worth it! Sould we whoi are crticial just shut up and get on with other things?
    WE come on here with our opinions - but who cares?
    Mediocrity, downright recklessness, and far left socialist agendas rule the day.

    Our farms/agriculture are being sold off. Our people are being sold out. Adult illegals are flooding us, arriving in boats claiming to be 15 year olds to give themselves more chance of freedom, and to bring their whole families out (which they can up to age 18) - pretending to be kids when they are actually adults - even those handling them say many are adult and many are NOT Afghans!)and bleeding hearts and Gillard and co. encourage them, and ridicule anyone who dares to protest against this dangerous shambles.
    There HAS to be some hidden socialistic agenda here. Surely no politicians could be this dumb?

    Are Aussies THIS dumb? WE need a new political party. Where is the inspiration we need in our leaders - the self sacrificial humbleness, and the devotion to what's best for Australia and Australians? At least, while that prospect is only a dream at present, (an ionspirational NEW party) let us at least get rid of this arrogant, bumbling, self-promoting pack of idiots we have presently masquerading as a "Government" and give the other mob the go they actually won at the last election. ANYTHING is better than what we've got now.

    WE are not being heard! We are being studiously ignored.
    Laughed at by the real rulers Windsor and Oakeshott, and their mate Gillard and her mates.
    Their middle finger is constantly being put up against us!
    Like it or lump it, peasants, they are telling us. This is socialism at it's finest! We're in charge - so get lost.
    They care about themselves - and their own personal outcomes - that's all.

    There IS writing on the wall - and Australia as we knew it is plummetting fast into frightening mediocrity. Where are our patriots? Where is our ANGER?
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