Its Over, page-23037

  1. 23,873 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2113 you can see, Gold falls along with equities in the train wreck crash only less so.

    ...but remember, Gold stocks are NOT gold and they typically fall harder than other stocks during the crash

    ...and when the Fed starts to come to rescue (with QE, rate cuts) that's when gold and gold stocks begin their bull rally.

    ...Gary anticipates that we have just a month to get our house in order. I've been telling you the same.

    ....when stocks starts the sideways consolidation, we have already reached the zenith, and if the mega techs shows exhaustion here, we're at or very close to the peak and poised to turn lower in the months ahead.

    ....I also expect Trump to 'orchestrate' the crash out of desperation to improve his political chances.

    Gary Savage on what he sees ahead for stocks and gold.

    Recessions unfold gradually (2020 being an exception). Below is what a recessionary top in the stock market looks like. They roll over gradually over many months as economic conditions slowly stagnate and start to decline.

    Then there is a period of many months as central banks try to stop the decline and turn the economy back up. This is the period where we get violent counter trend bear market rallies.

    During this period gold will climb a wall of worry. Then at the end of the recession you get a final blow off phase in metals as stocks are beginning a new bull market and gold enters the final euphoria/bubble phase. (See the second chart below).

    I think we are entering the final "in denial" phase where stocks continue to chug higher despite mounting evidence the economy is slowing. At some point price will stagnate and start to churn sideways for many months as the market comes to grips with the reality that the economy is in recession.

    Once gold finishes the sideways churn it's locked in it should resume the upward march of the wall of worry phase for several more years with a final bubble possibly in 27 or 28 as the economy starts to recover and stocks start a new bull phase.

    Barring an exogenous event I think the most likely scenario is for gold to remain stuck in the sideways consolidation pattern for another month, and probably partially into Sept. After that it will be game on and the next leg up begins.

    As expected lots of metal bagholders are trying to rationalize reasons for why the metals are going to bottom immediately and soon soar. Folks, listening to the gold dhills is what got you caught in this larger degree correction.

    Remaining in denial will just cause you to get dragged down and then sell in horror during a final bloodbath phase weeks from now. If we get a major stock market crash into a 4 year cycle low in Sept/Oct then this is going to get unimaginably worse.

    In the chart below you can see what happened to silver during last 4 year cycle low. That is a 38% collapse in just a few days.

    I'll warn again. There will be a bounce soon that will convince people the worst is now behind us, but it is not behind us, it is still in front of us. Sept/Oct is when the real panic will occur. This is just the warning shot. If you aren't prepared to weather a similar drawdown as 2020 then get out so you don't get trapped in the larger crash that is still ahead.
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