Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-100

  1. 25,389 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Get to the Interlinear, and what I copy/pasted you you, shows up on Many verses.
    "original word"

    You are using the interlinear to abuse the Bible.
    You say there are "Many verses"
    Show me just one verse from the Bible that has the Greek word προσκυνέω (proskuneo) in it.
    Put up or shut up Wotsup!"

    Do YOOU SEE THE Highlight = "original WORD" -> Do you know WHAT that means, "THE ORIGINALS" -> telling you they changed it to the word you are falsely CLINGING to.
    The Inter tells you this every time the word is used in EVERY verse - like Matt 2:2, 8, 11, 4:10, 20:20, Luke 4:7, 24:52...........................

    Back to school for you, but as I have said, I have NO issues with the worship of the 2nd Adam man that the Father has exalted, glorified, ordained and placed all things into his hands, until death no more where Jesus then hands the Kingdom to the one that put all things under him, so this one, the God and Father can be all in all - By The Word that his is and the Holy Spirit that He IS.

    BUT Tonio -> once again you are IGNORING the truth, whereu claimed that Jesus as a baby was being worship as or as though he was God or a God and there is ZERO in those words that even say that = none whatsoever, so YOU are ADDING to the verse, what is CLEARLY not there.

    Now pay ATTENTION to your quote here;
    "And Jesus answering, said to him, "It has been written: 'You shall worship the Lord Yehowah your God, and you shall serve Him only.'"

    The "only" is NOT discussing the worship subject.
    "Jesus is my Lord and my God."

    Not at the time Thomas addressed Jesus as Lord and the God dwelling in Jesus, as Thomas was CLEARLY told at least twice before the cross John 14:10 that God was dwelling in him, which you cannot refute and maintain this Bible truth there.

    "my God" -> Yes after the cross, glorified and is NOW a BEGOTTEN God, and not when he was here, as his words CLEARLY show in John 17:3.
    He is a God under The God and Father.
    Paul also confirms -> 1 Cor 8:6 - yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we.

    Who is the God there -> I ascend to my Father and your Father and to My God and YOUR God.
    He doesn't say I ascend to my Father, Son and Holy Spirit = Your abomination of a created One God.
    He doesn't mention a created Holy Spirit person there, just as he doesn't in John 17:3, as there isn't one, the Father is the Holy Spirit, Jesus's Father.

    1 Cor 15:27 - For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.
    Still waiting for the words in the verses, that Jesus was worshiped as God when he was a baby etc.

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