Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-142

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Once again you are adding to scripture. The word "Yehowah" is not in that verse."

    That's CLEARLY because the corruptors, failed to bring his name over from the OT, which they have also corrupted.
    This is basic a, b, c knowledge Tonio, you should know this.

    Lord is a title, it's Not his name, so the JW's in this regard, have it correct, other than the way they spell it.

    Ex 3:15 - And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Yehowah God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

    So who is adding to scripture Tonio = You by adopting the obvious corruption, and knowingly doing so.
    You Tonio are in effect, using his name in vain.
    "The verse means, you must worship God only and serve him only."

    You accuse me of adding, and you have just done it right here. rolleyes.png

    "and serve him only."

    "and" is an addition to the worship subject, it's another subject = serve.
    "Jesus was worshipped as a baby.
    Jesus was worshipped during his ministry.
    Jesus was worshipped after his resurrection."

    As you repeatedly ignore, it does NOT say he was worshiped as God, FULL STOP, end of the story.

    If you've got some basic knowledge of numerous passages, to worship the SON is to also be worshiping the Father and I shouldn't have to explain the numerous reasons why.
    To boot, the numerous promises of the Fathers are being fulfilled.
    Not to mention the Father dwelling in the Temple Jesus, doing all the miracles through Jesus etc Acts 2:22.
    And, to hear the words of the Fathers coming from Jesus, Jesus deemed them as seeing (perceiving - Inter) the God and Father. John 14:10.
    Hence, when Jesus expressed out the God and Father words that he was raised in Deu 18:18, he Became the express image of God's Person -> Word, The Word John 1:1, Heb 1:3 KJV.

    AND Tonio, communications also fall under the meaning of worship - John 4:23, 24 etc.
    "Jesus is both Lord and a God."

    After the cross, exalted and glorified, he is now a BEGOTTEN God = he wasn't one when he was here, just as his words unquestionably confirm in John 17:3, where he independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God when he was here.
    So, he is a God under The God and Father now.

    Re my comments on 17:3, you cannot refute this truth and maintain truth.
    Hence why ppm has avoided trying to do so, like the plague.
    He presents everything BUT, which are irrelevant to That point.

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