Expanding NATO Wars, page-3

  1. 24,991 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 128

    The Russia cooperation with Iran has a lot of sense, it is the way the russians can pay back the americans the weapons and IRS assitance to Ukraine that so many russian soldiers lives cost, so if the US start to attack Iran I expect the full IRS spectrum of de RF and the full support of "advisers" inside Iran will be there to cause as much damage as possible to the US bases, planes and ships.

    And if Iran close the Strait of Hormuz it will be a devastating blow to the European economies, that can produce a social collapse now in slow-mo in some European countries as UK. The only major supply outside the Strai of Hormuz is....Russia and they will choose to export their oils to friendly countries like China or India instead of Europe.

    So strategically a big war between Iran and US is in RF interest because it could destroy the European economies and hit hard the military machine of the American Empire.

    Posted by: Dave | Aug 5 2024 21:19 utc

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