Harris - Walz, page-458

  1. 26,135 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8

    A memory fail on your part.

    As previously advised the last time you took it upon yourself to be the only poster qualified to speak on all things military:

    I was too young to serve in Vietnam.

    I later joined the Reserves which, by your Yank definition, qualifies me as a Vet.

    "why is it that every vet who's found out about this holds the same view?"
    "No one in the military would accept this POS as their CiC"

    Opinions noted as, once again, you take it upon yourself to be the only voice that matters.

    The main mouthpiece against Walz is a bloke passed over for command and a long-time political opponent.

    A number of Vets and the Minnesota NG have supported Walz.


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