CHM 6.25% 0.8¢ chimeric therapeutics limited

Chimeric: Media Thread, page-824

  1. 4,483 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2080
    PeterMac is only a relatively new cell manufacturer. And this happened because the fed government yhrew money at CarT some years ago. Prior to this, i think the nearest manufacturer was in Japan.

    Very positive move for an Australian extension to trials. Great for DH and great for ozzies.
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0.8¢ 0.8¢ 0.8¢ $20.43K 2.573M

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15 20213536 0.7¢

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0.8¢ 13573853 14
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Last trade - 12.41pm 11/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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