Trump the saviour, page-1265

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    Rusted on supporters of failed former US president Felonius Dump won't get what's below.

    it's a macro psycho analysis of critical underlying themes that are playing out right now in the US presidential race.

    there's big words, modern ideas and big dollops of insightful critical thinking, none of which are usually associated with anything to do with their favorite felon Felonius Dump.

    how do you explain modern abstract thought to a rabble of xtian wingnuts who delude themselves that Dump's five kids from three different mothers is the new godliness. Or, how groping his daughter and telling everyone how he wants to take her for a walk around the block is firmly rooted in the modern xtian ethic.

    you don't do anything. They're already adrift and will only figure in the washup if they're touting an AR15.

    but if these muppets want to try to understand why Felonius Dump is already history they might listen for once to their long suffering children who have been forcefed their parent's make believe fairy tales.

    Dump Magatards don't know how to listen, but the rest of America and the world has been tuning into the o the Harris Walz festival of love and hope and are loviing what they're hearing.

    Umair Haque says the new message has "electrified" America. He explains why below in a powerful essay published in The Issue on Thursday., the start and finish of which are reproduced below.


    "Right now, we’re seeing something remarkable—juddering, tremendous, sudden, double digit swings in crucial polls. Independent voters, young people, swing states. All of these are roaring with approval. We almost never see swings this large, this sudden, this fast. It’s like watching a patient literally come back to life, the heart finding a rhythm again.

    "When I say “America’s electrified,” then, I’m not kidding. Harris and Walz are literally resuscitating democracy before our eyes.

    "But how have they pulled off this most improbable of challenges?

    "By now, it’s a meme and a joke. They’re “Mom” and “Dad.” Tim Walz has BDE…Big Dad Energy. Kamala, for her part, is maternal in a fierce way. Gen Z will openly say things like they’re the parents we wished we had, never had, after losing the real ones to Fox News. That’s a lot to say, and to take in.

    "What does all this mean? Is it just hysteria? It’s clearly euphoria, but is there more to it? I think there is, and that it goes really deep. It’s working against fascism for a very good reason, and to understand that reason, we have to grasp the psychoanalytical roots of leadership. Don’t worry, that’s a mouthful, but I’m going to explain it in Plain English.

    "What are Kamala and Tim doing? Really doing? Think of her infectious laugh. Think of his cheesy, dopey dad grin. Think of her unabashed awkward mom-style dancing. Think of the way he makes…dad jokes about the fascists. And then we all…grin and giggle.What’s going on there? Something deep, intense, and a little bit strange and wonderful.

    "Kamala and Tim are teaching America how to hope again.

    "I don’t mean that the way you think I probably do. In a cheesy way, an artificial, and a superficial, way. That is, they’re merely mouthing words of hope. I don’t mean that at all.

    "I mean that they’re modeling hope. What being a hopeful person is, looks like, feels like, giving us the room to be those people, which is a crucial role of parental figures, and I’ll come back to that, but first—modeling hope. I don’t mean, again: they’re saying hopeful things. This goes way beyond, and deeper into the soul, than that. They’re modeling hope."


    "Good parents hold us. And in that moment, they teach us: even in the moment of despair, especially in that moment, we carry with us, always, the ember called hope. In this, the universe rests inside each of us, flowing like a great river, through our mortality and finitude. We transmit that teaching down through the generations, and that is called goodness, beauty, truth, and civilization. The embrace answers the cry.

    "There is nothing in all of life more powerful and beautiful than this lesson, and for those unlucky enough not to have had it, lifetimes can be spent trapped in the despair of an eternal childhood, maturity just always out of reach. So America’s lucky. Mom and Dad are here. Right in the nick of time.

    "All of that, if you really grasp it? It’s why Trump looks not just old, but done. Out of…power. Because, like I said, and you should know by now: love transcends all."

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