Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-2708

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    "some simple basics

    My dear wotsup Jesus is Jesus and wotsup is wotsup, both have a different mind and intention,

    While Jesus defines the Father as "the only true God," this statement does not imply that He is independent of His relationship with the Father. Instead, it reflects the intricate dynamics of the Trinity, showcasing both the distinct roles and the unity they share in the divine nature and in the mission of salvation.
    Jesus' mission and identity are inseparable from His role in revealing the Father, suggesting that to know Jesus is to know the Father (as He states in John 14:9)."

    1. "this statement does not imply that He is independent of His relationship with the Father"

    The following -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here). -> has zero to do with the relationship subject or the relationship they have.
    The Only True God the Father, still has a relationship with the Son, the 2nd Adam Man who he has given -> John 17:2 - as You have given Him (Jesus) authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
    My statement does NOT say or suggest, that they do works independently of them selves, or plans.

    2."Instead, it reflects the intricate dynamics of the Trinity,"

    It shows nothing of a sort, re trinity, there are two persons so to speak in the picture and NOT 3, and now not like OT times where the Father alone was the Saviour, it is now a joint, united operation, with the only true God and his Son, the 2nd Adam Man, which was always the Fathers plan Rev 13:8.
    The Fathers purpose and plan = logos/plan John 1:1b and 1:2, manifested in and through Jesus, born from Mary.

    Titus 1:2 - in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began, (To himself I would say).
    2 Tim 1:9 - He has saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works, but by His own purpose and by the grace He granted us in Christ Jesus before time began.
    (Note the name Jesus = the man Jesus, the one to be born from Mary).

    These people referenced here, can rightfully ask the Father -> John 17:5 - And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
    (Note - there is NO Greek word that supports "I" as in "I had", it simply should read (which or who held) = Father alone held it, but never the less, they could ask for the glory, just as Jesus did, and neither were literally there).

    3. "Jesus' mission and identity are inseparable from His role in revealing the Father, suggesting that to know Jesus is to know the Father (as He states in John 14:9)."

    Identity" -> Yes, 2nd Adam Man, born from Mary did as you show, revealed the Father -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).

    The Book of John is to show you that Jesus is the Son of God.
    So logic and commonsense tells one, you first need to know the one he is of, otherwise you have no idea who he is the Son of.
    To know the Father is to know the Son, just as the following shows;

    Matt 16:16-17 - And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
    And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

    Hence the Book of John picks up on Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3 and introduces Yehowah = Father in the first 13 verses of John, before Jesus suddenly comes into the picture at 1:14, which he was the results of in John 1:3.
    The Prologue of John then flows in a perfect Chronological order, instead of jumping all over the place, forward and backward etc.

    John 1:3 - All things were made by him (Father, lone and by himself Isa 44:24); and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    All things, includes Jesus -> like let there be light, let there be Jesus, as per the Mary event.
    Words of the Father expressed Forth to the Angel who in turn expressed them forth to Mary and Jesus at least 4 times in John says, he came forth from the Father and was then sent into the world = after his Baptism John 17:18 for example.
    Isa 55:10, 11 is another example of Yehowah's word going "forth" out of his mouth.

    Word God -> Image -> Word Man.
    1:14 And the Word Man (Existing 1:3, Luke) became = (on the scene) and dwelt...............
    (NOT And the Word became man, mess with word order, you create another story).
    The rest of you post, is basically repeating the same error, around and around in various ways and just because you keep repeating it, does NOT make it true.
    "John 17 3 does Jesus unquestionably and independently of himself

    In John 17:3, Jesus does indeed use the phrase "the only true God" to reference the Father, which underscores the Father’s unique and singular divine identity.
    " = (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).

    "This declaration aligns with the Jewish Shema from Deuteronomy 6:4," -> Hear, Israel! Yehowah our God Yehowah One is.

    Yehowshuwa (Jesus) is NOT Yehowah, so the One is, is as in One person and NOT 3 persons.
    "While Jesus affirms the Father’s uniqueness as the only true God, He simultaneously identifies Himself as the one sent by the Father ("Jesus Christ whom you have sent"). This distinction in roles illustrates the relationship within the Trinity, where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are co-equal but have different functions in the plan of salvation."

    1. No such thing as relationship within the trinity, but the Only true God and Father and the Son, the 2nd Adam Man.
    Hence Jesus makes NO reference to a created holy spirit person in this verse, that you also need to know for eternal life.

    2. "Co-equal" = no such thing according to Jesus's words at least twice in John alone -> the Father is greater than me etc.
    "Jesus does not define the Father independently of His own identity; rather, His reference to the Father as the only true God reflects His mission to reveal the Father to humanity. Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus often states that He is doing the will of the Father, indicating His submissive role in the mission of redemption."

    "Jesus does not define the Father independently of His own identity;"

    1. He certainly does identify the Father independently of himself in relation to who is the Only true God = Father -> This now is the eternal life that they should know
    YOU (Father) the only true God AND..............

    "His reference to the Father as the only true God reflects His mission to reveal the Father to humanity."

    2. Yea, as the only true God when Jesus was here -> I ascend to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.

    "Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus often states that He is doing the will of the Father, indicating His submissive role in the mission of redemption."

    1. Submissive, BUT you say Jesus is God and Co-equal = HOUSTON..............trinity reply -> that's just the human Jesus.
    Jesus says -> I can of my own self do nothing -> Trinity says, but you are God, that is just the human you now speaking.
    Jesus says, but I speak my Fathers words -> Trinity says, but You are the Word, don't you know John 1:1, that's just the human you speaking again tongue.png
    "Although Jesus refers to the Father as the only true God, His own declarations throughout John’s Gospel reveal His understanding of His divine nature. For instance, He refers to Himself as the Son of God and attributes divine qualities and authority to Himself (e.g., giving eternal life, judging the world)."

    1. The divine qualities, authorities etc, etc, are CLEARLY what were bestowed on him by the Only true God and Father as Jesus makes very, very clear.
    That has zero to do with -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).
    "The purpose and context of this John 17:3, is that Jesus is not defining the Trinity- its that simple,"

    1. He is defining the only true God and Father, which is a must know according to Jesus, for eternal life, as well as himself.
    Hence if the only true God was a 3 person God, Jesus would most definitely included your created holy spirit person in this verse.
    To not do so if the Only true God was 3 persons, would be lies by omission from Jesus.

    "Not defining the trinity" you say -> no because you can't define what doesn't exist.
    So tell us all, why do you, or did, insist that the Only true God there was Father, Son and Holy Spirit (trinity) and part of your support for that was, you also needed to know a holy spirit person for eternal life?
    Which NO verse exists, stating such.

    2. Once again, your statement above has zero to do with -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).
    "The absence of a direct mention of the Holy Spirit in this specific verse does not imply that the Holy Spirit is unimportant or excluded from the broader concept of God in Christian theology. The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in the New Testament, particularly in the contexts of guidance, empowerment, and revelation."

    1. No one is saying otherwise, but the words of Jesus not mentioning a holy spirit person as well as him and the Father, demonstrates that there is NO such thing and that the Holy Spirit is the Father, just as Luke clearly shows this to be, Holy Spirit fathered Jesus and he does NOT have two fathers.

    But again that has nothing to do with -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).
    "In summary, the absence of the Holy Spirit in John 17:3 is unimportant, as many verses also don't mention Him, or the Father or Jesus, or any other points or facts, one has to read the context of what is written not to add to make verse says what you want them to say, the way the bible is structured is in reference for our sense can understand the basics understand of God through the Cross of Jesus and the working of the Holy Spirit for us to have eternal life in the Salvation History"

    1. "unimportant" -> absolute nonsense, as eternal life hinges on knowing the Only true God, which IS the Father = the 1st step in this verse and Jesus.
    Absence of the Holy Spirit, would mean, you couldn't possibly know what you call the only true God here = 3

    It is YOU that adds to this verse by claiming the Only true God there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and from this verse, you also claimed you needed to know a holy spirit person, which you claimed supported your addition here.

    Hence you are not -> reading it in the context that it is clearly written in and adding what you want it to say.

    2. Once again, your message has zero to do with -> (He unquestionably here, independently of himself, defines, references, the Father as the only true God, when he was here).
    "Jesus and the Father are both important to your hope of eternal life, hence the Trinity."
    Yes but, there is NO "hence the trinity", to be found in this verse = 17:3

    "Jesus is not defining the Trinity in this verse, that notion only exist in your head, as you want to swing what this verse is saying into your view, read and let the bible speak on its own without you adding criteria as to what its saying or what it should be saying, you do this with all the verse, its that simple"

    He doesn't mention a trinity, as there isn't one.
    Stop looking in the mirror when you post,
    you're the one that added, Father, Son and holy Spirit to the verse and tried and failed to support this addition by saying, you also had too know a holy spirit person for eternal life as well as Father and Son = no verses exist.
    "Anyway, not interested in playing tit for tat,"

    Which means, what you say goes and when it's shown to fail, you're not going to defend/counter that failure.

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