Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-318

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "It doesn't say words, it says word."

    The Word can = The word of God = SIMPLES.
    Jesus is the Product, Results of the word of God, ex = Isa 55:10, 11.
    That which is born of Word = (Spirit) is Word = he is deemed as a Word of God, titled "The" as he was raised in it Due 18:18 and by the time of his Baptism he would of had it without measure when he was Sent into the world John 17:18 = He Became the Key carrier of the God and Fathers word = The word of God (logos/plan) that was WITH the Father as per John 1:1, 2 and 1 John 1:1,2
    the word of life = which was with the Father and then entered the scriptures, to which they handled, to which they looked up etc.
    As per Jesus's words = you search the scriptures because you think in them is life and they are those which speak of me.

    = Phil 2;16 - holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

    SURELY YOOOOOOU are NOT going to tells us that words didn't come Forth from the God and Father to the Angel, surely NOT! rolleyes.png
    Jesus is the Word and Jesus is the power of God. All things were made through Jesus."

    He is NOT the Word, that is the Father.
    Jesus is the results of the Fathers plans and purpose, known as the word of God and included in John 1:1, 2
    1:2 - This was in beginning with the God.

    "This" is the ONLY word available and this is NOT referring to another person with the God, it is his logos/plan in 1:1b which he expressed forth by 1:3 which includes ALL THINGS = Jesus as well.

    Through as per what Isa 44:24 DEMANDS as the Father Yehowah ALONE and BY HIMSELF, created all things through, on account of, by reason of, because of, for the sake of, the future Jesus to be, born out of Mary.
    You are trying to tell the Greeks that they don't know the definitions of their word Dia, where the expanded interpretations as per the above, is SMACK IN YOUR FACE.
    I showed you before, the genitive term, does NOT make this void, when you consider the Whole truth of genitive, not to mention, Isa 44:24 and many more DEMAND this = NO option IF your want to stay on Bible TRUTH, which most toss aside rolleyes.png to make their fairy stories.
    OH DEAR, I see but I don't believe it.

    "Once again you are wrong.

    The Spirit of God is God = The Holy Spirit is the Father and when he gives of it (himself), to whatever measure he choses, that then becomes of.
    The body of Christ is Jesus. =
    You can be what you are of.
    The Word of God is God." -> No, the word of God is what's EXPRESSED from God, his person expressed and Jesus expressing out the God and Fathers words, BECAME the express image of the God and Fathers person Heb 1:3 KJV.
    Confirmed in John 14:10 to see (perceive - Inter) the Father is to hear the Fathers words being expressed forth from Jesus, the ONLY works that Jesus refers to there, are the Fathers words coming out of him.

    Jesus is the results of the words coming from the God and Father = that does not make him the Father, which is the madness that your examples, are two totally different contexts.
    Results of, so you could say he is a word of the Father, deemed as, but that word doesn't become the Father, just like let there be light didn't.

    YOU are NOT another persons words or that person when you express their words.
    Lights on mate, if Jesus was forever the Word, he would definitely be speaking of himself, instead of the Father DRRRRRRRR.

    Not to mention, if you say he is the Word in 1:1, then 1:3 DEMANDS that You Tonio, show that Jesus spoke creation into the being and that is IMPOSSIBLE from the CLEAR Bible truths.
    I hate to be the one to bring you the bad news = Flesh, BUT YOU FAIL EVERY TIME YOU POST.

    1:14 And the Word Goodnews = (flesh) became......................

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