greenies call for ww2 style rationing, page-24

  1. 1,584 Posts.
    Dust is right, facts are pertinent when your audience wants to face them.

    Here are a dozen 'facts' that I have derived from around half a century of experience.

    Deny whichever you think illogical or inconvenient.

    1) ALMOST ALL known forms of life rely, in the end, upon the availability of sunlight, clean water, clean air and soil. These resources are necessarily limited, there being no such thing as an unlimited resource in the world of matter.

    2) NOTHING in nature that grows exponentially (eg: viral, bacterial, animal, vegetable populations) can grow forever - see below, fact 3.

    3) Unrestrained growth of any organism will INEVITABLY destroy the available resources it relies upon for its survival. This self-limiting factor is as IMMUTABLE a law of the world of matter as Sir Isaac Newton's 'every action has an equal and opposite reaction.'

    4) To the (current) collective knowledge of humanity, there is only one planetary body that possesses the conditions required to support our life form & the forms of life that our existence relies upon.

    5) The level of human technology does not encompass any meaningful exploitation of other space bodies such as planets, moons, asteriods etc, for at least the next 50 years.

    6) The various forms of life, including our own, compete for resources that are essential to sustain them. These resources are also costrained in the near future by fact 5.

    7) Human competition for limited resources has, throughout history, expressed itself through the waging of war.

    8) The most reliable guide that we have to future human behaviour is past human behaviour.

    9) It is also a fact that technology (such as the development of unlimited clean energy from nuclear fusion) is being touted as the saviour of humanity because it 'will vastly expand resources' and allow continued exponential growth of humanity without the war, famine, death and disease of the past.

    In summary, THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT - because of ever-improving technology - and humanity will be the first, and only, species of life to successfully violate fact 3.

    10) "THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT" is always said by someone before a boom goes bust.

    11) A sucker IS born every minute.

    12) The teaching of history to new born suckers is intentionally neglected ("History is Bunk!") so belief (9) is more likely to be the basis for future human action.

    Eggheads may rant all they want but, "It's my party and I'll waste if I want to," rules the thinking of the global economic system.

    Until the next war over resources.

    (Sir) Lunchalot
    Scoffer Extraordinaire
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