Veterans turn on Harris, page-27

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    Last one, then tell us where Trump touched you.

    TRUTH: Multiple Trump officials came forward and accused Kelly of lying after he claimed Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers and losers."

    Here is a list of everyone who denied it:

    Zach Fuentes, former deputy to Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly:

    "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

    John Bolton, former National Security Advisor:

    "I didn't hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them. I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly's recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do."

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House press secretary:

    "The Atlantic story on Trump is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion - this never happened … I am disgusted by this false attack."

    Hogan Gidley, former White House deputy press secretary:

    "These are disgusting, grotesque, reprehensible lies. I was there in Paris and the President never said those things … These weak, pathetic, cowardly background ‘sources’ do not have the courage or decency to put their names to these false accusations because they know how completely ludicrous they are. It's sickening that they would hide in the shadows to knowingly try and hurt the morale of our great military simply for an attack on a political opponent."

    Dan Scavino, White House deputy chief of staff for communications:

    "I was with POTUS in France, with Sarah, and have been at his side throughout it all. Complete lies by ‘anonymous sources’ that were ‘dropped’ just as he begins to campaign (and surge). A disgraceful attempt to smear POTUS, 60 days before the Presidential Election! Disgusting!!"

    Jordan Karem, former personal aide to President Trump:

    "This is not even close to being factually accurate. Plain and simple, it just never happened."

    Johnny DeStefano, former counselor to President Trump: "I was on this trip. The Atlantic bit is not true. Period."

    Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump:

    "[A] despicable lie ... The president deeply wanted to attend the memorial event in question and was deeply displeased by the bad weather call."

    Derek Lyons, former staff secretary and counselor to President Trump:

    "I was with the President the morning after the scheduled visit. He was extremely disappointed that arrangements could not be made to get him to the site, and that the trip had been cancelled."

    Dan Walsh, former White House deputy chief of staff:

    "I can attest to the fact that there was a bad weather call in France, and that the helicopters were unable to safely make the flight."

    Jamie McCourt, former U.S. Ambassador to France and Monaco:

    "In my presence, POTUS has NEVER denigrated any member of the U.S. military or anyone in service to our country. And he certainly did not that day, either. Let me add, he was devastated to not be able to go to the cemetery at Belleau Wood. In fact, the next day, he attended and spoke at the ceremony in Suresnes in the pouring rain."

    Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House chief of staff:

    "These claims are simply outrageous. I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid."

    Maj. Gen. Bill Maz, secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission:

    "I was the host of the event discussed by the false and despicable article published in The Atlantic magazine on 3 September … when the President’s visit was appropriately canceled due to weather, I received word also that he was upset he would not be able to make the wreath-laying visit…"
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