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    Warnings were being publicised about the Islamic Youth Society more than 3 years ago.

    March 1999


    By Adam Indikt

    Available from the innocent sounding Islamic Youth Movement with a PO Box address in Lakemba, New South Wales, is Nida’ul Islam, ‘The Call of Islam’. Also based on the internet at, Nida’ul Islam is the voice of a range of international extremists and terrorists intent on the propagation of a war of terror and destruction against Israel and the West.

    In recent times the magazine and its online edition have interviewed the man responsible for the Kenya and Tanzania bombings Osama bin Laden, radical Muslim cleric Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, and representatives of the fundamentalist Gama al-Islamiya in Egypt and Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

    International terrorists with links to bin Laden operating in Australia are of concern to security officials. Neil Fergus, director of the Olympic Intelligence Centre in Sydney told The Australian, "They cause us considerable concern because they have the means and the intent for considerable terrorist activity."

    During his visit to Australia, FBI Director Louis Freeh told the Nine Network that Australia is also at risk from these terrorists, because bin Laden’s "threat, or fatwah, is against not only Americans but the friends of America. So I think that the Olympics, APEC, the America’s Cup - these are all opportunities for someone who has a terrorist agenda."

    Neil Livingstone, an international security expert consulted by Sydney authorities, told The Review that in his meetings with Olympic security officials, the threats that were being viewed were from a wide variety of sources. "They were worried about the event drawing so many loony tunes and groups with their own agendas," he said, "Obviously we know that Australia has not been immune from Middle Eastern entanglements in that regard."

    Sixty Minutes revealed that the bombings of the Hakoah Club and Israeli Consulate in Sydney in 1982 were the work of international terrorists. The bomb mechanisms were the same as those used in bombing attempts against US airliners, and formed a campaign by Arab terrorists under the control of Iraq. The men even had safe houses operating in Australia.

    According to Steve Emerson, who has investigated radical Islamic terrorist cells in the United States and internationally, Australia’s "borders have been penetrated by extremist groups." Even outspoken anti-Israel Muslim cleric Sheikh Hilaly has admitted that there are extremists currently in Australia. One of the outlets for this extremism is Nida’ul Islam.

    Emerson describes Nida’ul Islam as "among the most extreme in the world." It has ties to the World Trade Centre bombers, the Taliban, Egyptian Gama al-Islamiya and Saudi multi-millionaire financier of terrorism Osama bin Laden.

    In an interview with the magazine, bin Laden called for a global holy war against the West. "Our encouragement and call to Muslims to enter Jihad against the American and the Israeli occupiers are actions which we are engaging in as religious obligations. Allah Most High has commanded us in many verses of the Qur’an to fight in His path and to urge the believers to do so… We have given an oath to Allah to continue in the struggle as long as we have blood pumping in our veins or a seeing eye, and we beg of Allah to accept and to grant a good ending for us and for all the Muslims."

    "Muslims must prepare all the possible might to repel the enemy on the military, economic, missionary, and all other areas. It is crucial for us to be patient and to cooperate in righteousness and piety and to raise awareness to the fact that the highest priority, after faith is to repel the incursive enemy which corrupts the religion and the world, and nothing deserves a higher priority after faith…." Bin Laden told Nida’ul Islam.

    The magazine has also interviewed Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman from his prison cell in the United States. Rahman, along with nine others, was convicted of seditious conspiracy by a US District Court in Manhattan on October 2. The charges included plotting to blow up the World Trade Centre, bomb the United Nations, assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and destroy crucial highway tunnels in New York. He was given a life sentence. Among records accumulated for the trial of Rahman’s associates, telephone records revealed numerous long distance calls to telephone numbers in Australia, indicating links to supporters in New South Wales.

    The Nida’ul interview with Rahman was published in the magazine’s December 1996-January 1997 edition. Rahman said, "Among the sides [of Islam] neglected by many scholars, and those in charge of Islamic movements, is the issue of Jihad."

    Weaving a conspiracy theory of epic proportions, Rahman drew modern day conflict from the times of the Crusades. "The Roman Empire means the international Crusade and the international Zionism… This is a ferocious and ongoing war…," he said, "Allah also says, ‘Tell the disbelievers: You shall be defeated and thrown into Hell!’ What a miserable end!"

    From his prison cell Rahman, the spiritual guide of the fundamentalist Gama al-Islamiya (Muslim Brotherhood), has remained a radical opponent of the Egyptian government, calling for a revolution and establishment of a theocratic Islamic state.

    Nida’ul has also interviewed a Gama representative, Sheikh Rifa’ey Ahmad Taha. "The Gama al-Islamiya in Egypt has established a true struggle which has been able to oppose the oppressive regime in Egypt… The forces of the Gama continue to direct a variety of painful strikes against the pillars of the regimes, its helpers, and its oppressive centres."

    The Gama al-Islamiya is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks on foreign tourists, as well as government officials and ministers, and the minority Coptic Christian community. In 1981 Gama agents assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, condemning him for his involvement in the historic Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. The group even tried to kill Nobel literature laureate Naguib Mahfouz in 1994. In one of its bloodiest attacks against foreign tourists in Egypt, six Gama gunmen opened fire with assault rifles and hand grenades on tourists in the ancient city of Luxor, killing 70 and wounding a further 25 people.

    The Sheikh interviewed by Nida’ul justified the Gama’s actions by attacking the Mubarak Government. "Mubarak … is the one who took the leadership of the Arabs to their downfall. Whilst he practised day and night, the calls to ‘peace’ with Israel, he practised hostile policies against the peoples of Iraq and Sudan."

    In 1996 Mubarak narrowly survived an assassination attempt against him in Addis Ababa. The Egyptian Government blamed Gama agents acting in conjunction with the radical Islamic government in Sudan, which is strongly allied with Iran.

    "The Islamic movement in Egypt can be divided into two sections: the struggle Jihad section: this has reached a stage of true confrontation with the regime… [The people] will bond with the Islamic movement in revolution after they bonded with it socially and spiritually. The time has come for the Islamic movement to unite its efforts and gather its energies to attack the Satan which is entrenched in Egypt," Sheikh Taha told Nida’ul Islam.

    The Sheikh was also very complimentary of the fundamentalist Taliban movement in Afghanistan, also a favourite of Nida’ul. "Why should we not bless their government as long as it continues to establish the religion of Allah and fulfil His laws," he said, "It was necessary for an Islamic government to be established to take advantage of the achievements of the Mujahideen and bring peace and justice to the country through an Islamic government, and to end the ironic situation of tribulations which had hurt Islam greatly."

    Answering the question of what is the Muslim’s duty in supporting the "Jihad movements" against enemy regimes, Taha said, "The responsibility of the Muslims is to support these striving movements with their selves and their valuables and to accept its injunctions when this is in obedience to Allah Most High."

    The magazine also carried an interview with a senior Taliban official at the same time his movement was establishing the harshest Islamic Sharia code in the world. Women in Afghanistan were barred from work, education and were savagely beaten for the most minor of infractions of the Taliban’s extreme interpretation of Sunni Islamic law. Yet the Taliban are an ideal Islamic government according to Nida’ul Islam.

    Masoum Afghani is one of the most senior Taliban officials, acting as their ambassador to Pakistan and leading the movement’s negotiating teams. In an interview published in the magazine’s April-May 1997 edition he outlined the Taliban’s goal: "Our goal is to restore peace and establish a pure and clean Islamic state in this country, which is the goal of every Muslim and religious student." At the end of the story a postscript encouraged readers to financially support the Taliban and included a contact telephone number in Pakistan.

    A feature article published in its September-October 1997 edition, was titled ‘The Termination of "israel": A Qur’anic Fact’, in which Sheikh Abu Al-Waleed Al-Ansari argued that Israel’s destruction was mandated by the Muslim holy book, the Koran.

    "It is evident that Allah has Promised to subject upon the corrupted Children of Israel His believing servants who will afflict them with a horrible torment," the article says, "One of the consequences of this chronic disease that was caught by the Muslim Ummah is the content and approval of our people when the infidel rulers of today held a permanent accord with the Jews… The Ummah must now be prepared to deal with it !!… It is a trial from Allah to test His servants and to distinguish the wicked from the good, and to witness those who will give victory to the religion by sincerely fighting for Allah’s Cause… Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you?"

    The reference to entering Paradise is a key tool in the training of Islamic terrorists and suicide bombers whose indoctrination includes the promise that they will be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgin brides.

    The article also contained virulent antisemitic libels. "They (Jews) like to spread mischief and corruption on earth and strive hard to accomplish this…. They are people of indignity, disobedience and transgression…. They are people of cowardliness, dismay and weakness as described by Allah… a humiliating villainous life."

    "No deviant nation has been Cursed by Allah more than that of the children of Israel. They truly earned the Wrath and Resentment of Allah, and thus they have lost all the factors of survival and existence."

    In an article, ‘How The West Came To Dominate The Whole Wide World’, the magazine rails at Christianity and Judaism. Slavery was a Christian response to the spread of Islam through Africa, and later historical works revealing the horrors of slavery and racism are merely produced by the West to hide the truth of their plotting.

    In order to "ensure the social, economic, political, technological, military and spiritual domination of the world by the West to this very day" the Church supposedly "financed and organised a New Order … Protestantism, modern science and capitalism…."

    "The globalisation of trade in ‘stolen goods’ was sanitised by the term, Capitalism. The trade was financed by the largest owners of capital, namely the Church and Jews, underpinned by usury, sanitised by the term, ‘interest’… Little wonder that the capitalistic theories of Adam Smith - a Jew - are still popular under neo-colonialism."

    "In 1947 Palestine was handed over to the Zionists. The never forgotten objective of the Church, the recapture of Palestine, had finally been achieved…. The Jews returned under the New Secular Order, to dominate the socio-economic, political and foreign affairs of the Gentiles by indirectly ruling the Church…."

    "For the East, the Church created another Order using Jews like Karl Marx but based on extreme secularism… Whatever mutations they go through: Pharaohnic, Greco-Roman, Catholicism, Renaissance, Protestantism, Colonialism, Secularism, Democracy, Nationalism, Zionism, Communism, Cold War, New World Order, etc. it is still the same old battle between belief and disbelief. Each New Order strengthens them to fight Islam and prepares Palestine for their one-eyed leader."

    Nida’ul Islam is one of the most extreme Islamic publications in the world. That it can be published in a magazine format in Sydney and distributed globally, with international subscriptions and an office in Florida, USA, shows the capabilities of the extremist Islamic organisations to spread their ideas - incitement to terrorism and violence, and total rejection of the non-Muslim and non-fundamentalist Muslim world.

    NSW Police Commissioner Peter Ryan told Sixty Minutes that Australia’s police and security forces have learnt their lessons from 1982. After the fiasco following Kurdish rioting in Sydney last month, a much greater emphasis must clearly be made on the threat of terrorist groups from the Middle East. In its parting shot against Christianity, Judaism and the West, one Nida’ul Islam article states, "The battle continues…"

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