STTRADING weekend thread 14th and 15th September 2024, page-43

  1. 17,639 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 201
    WOW .

    I Don't think they do here or maybe I've just never noticed them .

    Thanks for the conversation ive got to go to bed folks but yes its green weekend topic so if you have an investment gone bad before or have one coming good don't be a stranger as well they maybe ones who make it maybe just the right timing knows ?

    Remember all those breakdowns with electric cars the nrma are saying are just the same as the old cars !

    Get ya battery checked this weekend may save a phone call i think our two cars are over four years old now at least .

    Check the terminals on the Galant ammie

    Screenshot 2024-02-19 015740.png
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