PAR paradigm biopharmaceuticals limited..

FDA delay for ph 3 trial approval, page-72

  1. 530 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 126
    And I’ll probably change my mind again in a few days when I listen to Paul’s next instalment on a random interview he gives a fledgling Stockmarket subscription where he clarifies the lay of the land for their “listeners”and not his shareholders.


    It’s totally unacceptable to update your shareholders on the nuances of the program’s dealings with the authorities by way of casual conversations with Alan Kohler, grafa, some biotech summit that’s held off the beaten track and *.

    Come on SW and BOD and SimonWhite. Show some actual backbone and get the bloke to state a business update on an ASX announcement, it’s SEPTEMBER. Paul and others are so far into this, the less said the better now! That’s why we wait… the complete loss of capital will be easier to explain by way of a narrative if “mum’s the word”.

    No one with any sanity can be impressed with the communications at this point….

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