Parliamentary Standards

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    Laws setting up an independent Parliamentary Standards Commission, which would enforce behavioural standards and investigate workplace conduct at Parliament House, passed the lower house on Wednesday.

    Politicians found to have breached the code of conduct could face fines of between two and five per cent of their base salary, or face being suspended from parliament.

    A five per cent fine for the lowest paid backbencher would see them fined as much as $11,000.

    Crossbench MPs have taken aim at the government for not making the commission stronger in enforcing actions.

    Independent Kylea Tink said parliament’s powerful privileges committee, which reviews the actions of MPs, should not be placed in charge of assessing whether politicians be referred to the commission.

    “We know self regulation doesn’t work, in any sector,” she said.

    “Placing the privileges committee in charge of sanctioning MPs found to have significantly breached the standards is like asking arsonists to put out their own fires, and means there is no guarantee that disciplinary actions will be impactful.”

    we all know that parliamentary standards are really non-existent. the Privileges Committee is said, by politicians, to be feared for their ferocious discipline for breaches of the "Code of Conduct".

    but nothing stops stupid childish behaviour in the House.

    so the Independent MPs take a stand against sub-standard abuses. hit the pollies in the pocket-nerve and see them wince with real fear of losing a few bob. might be a half decent start to getting some sensible behaviour in our politics.
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