Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-482

  1. 25,448 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Your guy uses a poor example and off track line with - Spirit the God (is).

    He says the Spirit is referring to his nature = rubbish, it is referring to WHAT he is.
    His nature/person comes out in his expressed words, his inner mind, reason plan and purpose = inner logos, which is naturally with you before expressing and is Never Not you until expressed = And God was the Word.

    He in part gets 1:1 correct then runs off the rails, falsely claiming there are two persons with NO grounds to do so = rubbish.

    Theon -> object case
    Theos -> subject.

    Ex - Theon -> I love God = God is the object of the verb love.
    Ex - Theos -> God loves me = God is the subject of the verb love.

    In beginning was the Word and the Word was with the Theon -> The Theon is the object of the Word.
    And Theos was the Word -> Theos is the subject of the Word.

    The Theon and Theos ARE the God and Father.

    1:4 In him (Father) life was = in his inner plans and purpose = logos and that expressed -> is the light (words) of men - Psa 119:105.

    John 5:25 - For as the Father has life (words 1:4) in himself, so has he given (words) to the Son to have life in himself - John 6:68.
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