warning.very controversial. do not read unless ope

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    Copied from another site. Gets all the minds thinking. I havent done enough research and so dont hold a view, but food for thought

    Was Martin Bryant the killer at Port Arthur?


    I dont ask that you agree with playr and myself... just maybe we could get a real dialogue going without people needing to ridicule with playground insults but have a stimulating thread happening instead?

    A one faceted opinion will never give you a complex and educated perspective on a situation... it does take considerable knowledge to realise the extent of your own ignorance...
    I am interested in understanding all sides no matter how "delusional" as it gives me a better informed opinion on a matter/subject... which is of course how I reach my absurd, shocking and certifiable opinions...

    Indeed, if you are so safe in your beliefs and opinions then you wouldnt need to call playr names and get aggressive.....or adamantly dismiss and attack his/her subtle viewpoint before investigating it fully yourself, but would speak coherently and establish why you believe what you do without regurgitating mainstream media dialogue.....
    Using the real facts and not contradictory assumptions made by the media (handicapped vs mentally unstable.... pleaded insane vs pleaded guilty) to set the foundations for your belief and not conjure up emotions about the loss of loved ones and children to justify the blame on Bryant... it truly was and still is a tragedy....ill never deny that.... maybe understand the causes and not just see the symptoms so that we can prevent it from happening again??

    How about looking into reports from investigators whose main body of work concerns Port Arthur... who dont want to impress but state the actual events and facts? maybe also..... the reports and interviews conducted by the police? Do you think i spout this because i have no idea?

    What was that about....how could he be wrongfully charged and splattered all over Australia? Are you serious? When did the judicial system stand for morality?
    Did anybody see the words social engineering exercise? The mass consciousness is different to individual consciousness......
    "Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups"
    Effectively seen with large groups of people... say... at a football game... heard of mob mentality?
    Ideas can be generated and taken up by the collective consciousness without much real intelligent or objective thought given to it by the individual........ the techniques used in the manipulation of a whole populace are not only evident and blatant in everyday society but nothing new...........not fiction but science that deals with human brain dynamics,superorganisms, psychology, symbolism and memetics.....

    As for Bryant being tried.........there was never a trial by jury which is the usual stance in a case like this but a sentencing hearing conducted by Chief Justice Cox and prosecuted by Chief Prosecutor Damian Bugg Q.C.
    He was imprisoned WITHOUT evidence that proved beyond reasonable doubt.....and now the Australian government refuses a full and properly Constituted Trial and Royal Commission Enquiry into the incident........ his mother im sure is still pushing to this day...and yes... people can be imprisoned using loopholes in law......doesnt that alone raise questions for you?
    and doesnt that show me that people dont know what they are talking about.............. i hope you dont think you have any real rights in this country.......

    And that line about no previous posts from Lioness... that did happen to be my 3rd post here if we start getting technical... first time I visited the forum part of EMC was yesterday morning.
    Im flattered you took the time to judge my character on post tally count....... wouldnt you rather gain some self initiative for knowledge and information beyond the scope that is spoon fed to you than be petty about me being new here?

    Munchkin11 read the site playr set out and didnt agree. There is a wealth of information about this out there.... i dont understand how you can be totally convinced of his guilt when he hasnt been properly tried... even the man who owned the Broad Arrow Cafe... who knew Bryant for years, what he liked to eat and where he usually sat..... told police he didnt recognise the shooter........................
    the threads are frayed on the official story........ I ask you dont close the question after looking at one article but really delve for yourself if you truly are interested..... though it does seem your mind is made up.. set... question closed...like most of these people.
    Thank you for taking the time to at least "have a read" of it...........

    Im not posting to cause purposeful upset nor am I sorry for posting such a controversial line of thinking in the controversial forum.......... you would think this would be open minded..........................it never ceases to amaze me at peoples automatic reactions if they might be found foolish or something is not easily digestable....
    I responded because i too have read alternating views on Port Arthur and couldnt believe the crap playr was getting... also maybe stir someone into interest for self education... open up a curiosity....... personally im never satisfied with a stasis of outlook... maybe playr felt the same by posting this thread?

    Not one to accept something just because its pleasant or embraced by the common consensus I am able to laugh too.......... at those who think enlightened people who have done independant more importantly mind shattering research on a range of unattractive subjects and theories are just paranoid freaks wanting a horn to blow... im guaranteed a laugh every April 1st for that reason... whats it called? All Fools Day.

    Its warming to see playr try educate people on the real facts surrounding this incident... good luck with that...... its always nice to know you arent alone in your "delusions"..... so many factors interplay in this...

    And other info

    "We are going to see a mass shooting in
    Tasmania....unless we get national gun control laws." Roland Brown, Chairman of the Coalition for Gun Control, A Current Affair with Ray Martin, March 1996

    I dont like being on the opposing side of the fence..it would be nice to agree on hard line topics with people regularly...but lets see how far over i can put myself this time?

    The "true first hand eye witnesses" were not able to confirm Bryant as the murdererer.... and with his face plastered everywhere the eyewitness base was contaminated and the government could not pursue that angle... nevermind that there were discrepancies concerning clothes, hair etc among eyewitnesses... eyewitness accounts are questionably accurate and dont hold up by themselves in a court of law... because you saw his face on the news that makes him guilty?
    Also no forensic evidence.. any of his DNA.. was ever found to be established at the Broad Arrow Cafe....

    Lets look at the fact playr tried to present originally........
    that in about 90 seconds Bryant managed 19 fatal head shots, 1 other fatal shot and 12 wounded with 29 rounds fired............all from the hip (right handed whereas Bryant was left i might add) from an average distance of 12 feet.. ......where even an aim off error of 3 degrees will make you miss a target the size of a human head.....also taking into account people responding as soon as the first shot was fired....

    Really think about it........ the accuracy is very disturbing..the final persons killed to wounded ratio was 1.6:1... almost like the cafes 1.66:1.....only the best trained combatants in the world could have executed such manoeuvers.. they train continuously for a ratio such as this.. the inverted ratio is important as it defies military statistical information... it is scientifically impossible that Bryant could have shot the people in the cafe with such accuracy seeing as he is a registered invalid and had no previous experience of high powered assault weaponry........there should have been many more injured...
    Bryant wasnt a combat vet or special forces.....do you truly understand the skill and training needed to acheive what happened in the cafe? or at any of the other scenes?
    thats right... he was a good shot because he purchased ammunition and used guns before... end of story.

    So many things dont add up in the story generated for the consumption of the masses.... playr has stated some and provided some thought worthy links.... guilty until proven innocent maybe?
    And if you would like to read a court transcript of the sentencing hearing......


    thats a gun site that doesnt support this view by the way..........i dont own a gun myself but can understand why people are pro just like i can understand why people are anti.........

    The internet is a valuable source for information....its my favourite library.... you really shouldnt knock what you can find on here....
    especially if you happen to believe entertainment media like television, newspapers and radio with their biased accounts and vested interests.....outside stimuli that decides for you....

    There are solid questions left unanswered from Port Arthur..... and you would think it would be in the best interest of the families devastated by the massacre to have a real enquiry....

    Interesting how dolphinate says the whole nation was in shock (theres that mass consciousness at work)... meaning its even more susceptible to suggestion....
    you cant truly believe you are told absolute truth all the time... it is not a right nor a privilege...
    thats all i gotta say about that...
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