Confidence Problem lol, page-7

  1. 5,411 Posts.
    Hi Doc,

    Have seen this happen to many traders
    in the past ... and it affects traders
    differently ... but the end result is the
    same ... you can't pull-the-trigger.

    This might help some, from my trading related ebook
    "Trading Plan ...wozzat?" ... Chapter 2:

    Are you trading markets or emotions?:

    Tuition in these markets can cost thousands of dollars
    in market losses & many hours of study, but learning to
    trade properly and profitably makes the investment
    worth the efffort, in both time and dollar terms.

    Here's a different approach to the markets and
    "knowing yourself".

    Trading these markets requires committment to study
    and a realization that traders are not successful
    overnight - just like learning your first trade. Maybe it
    took you 4-5 years to learn as an apprentice
    (mechanic,carpenter,painter,etc), so too it takes
    time (& effort) to learn the BASICS of trading
    successfully. Then, if you want to be a good tradesman
    (trader) you must keep up with the latest technology in
    your trade - again, this is an ongoing committment to

    Not everybody has a temperament suited to trading the

    Most traders are very emotional about their trades,
    especially in their early experience - this may well be
    the main reason for the high attrition rate amongst new

    Overcoming emotions can only be done by experience,
    that means trading, trading, trading........

    Sorry, paper trading can only teach you about the
    methodology of your trading system & the idiosyncracies
    of the markets - to learn about yourself, you must trade
    for real.

    Here's a discussion on HOPE and FEAR - just two of the
    emotions to affect traders daily.

    Hope & Fear?

    Posted by Noone on Sunday, 5 March 2000, at 4:31 p.m.

    We all hear that hope & fear control the markets?

    1. Can anyone explain one or both?

    2. Can either one be seen on a chart?

    3. Can either one be explained enough, to be able to
    write an indicator etc. to be shown on a chart, that
    will help in trading?

    4. If it can be seen, is it too late to use, or would it be
    helpful to a trader?

    Anyone have any ideas or explanations of Hope or Fear
    as far as trading?


    Posted by yogi on 06 March, 2000 at 18:58:06:

    Hi Noone,

    Not sure where you are going with this, but here goes:

    1. HOPE is entering a market without a trading plan.

    HOPE is holding a position after it has blown through
    your stop (if you had one).

    HOPE is holding that 3-day trade for 3 months or

    HOPE is watching a market approaching your PRICE
    STOP, long after your TIME STOP has expired.

    FEAR of loss is not pulling the trigger, when your
    system posts an entry signal.

    FEAR of getting out too early is not pulling the
    trigger, when your system posts an exit signal.

    FEAR of missing a trade is being in a market before
    your entry signals have been confirmed.

    HOPE and FEAR are two of ten emotional words that
    should never be part of a trader's vocabulary.

    GREED, EGO, "Coulda,woulda & shoulda" being the
    another five negative trading words.

    2. HOPE & FEAR can always be seen on the chart of any
    market - it's called the PRICE.

    3. To represent traders' emotions (HOPE & FEAR being
    just two emotions) in an indicator, then that indicator
    would need to accurately reflect the variations in
    such emotions. This is measured by the Law of
    Vibration and the Law of Resonance, both of
    which are reflected in PRICE, so no need to write a
    new indicator - just use the one you have more

    4. PRICE (a measure of traders' emotions) can easily be
    seen and is never too late to use, in a well-laid
    trading plan, which is most helpful to all traders.

    Control your emotions (including HOPE & FEAR) and
    become a better trader.

    A portrait of FEAR can be seen in a chart of the
    Australian Gold Index, which reflects many traders'

    FEAR of LOSS as they sold out of physical gold from
    1996 to 2000. Three moving averages --------->>>


    Overcoming the fear of being unable to
    pull-the-trigger may be done in several ways, after
    doing your normal research, in preparation to trade:

    Practice picking up the phone and calling your
    broker to place the trade ... if necessary,
    close your eyes and practice this in your mind first ...
    SEEING yourself placing the trade, about six times.

    If you trade online, open up your order page, disconnect
    from your ISP and practice hitting the "BUY button".

    Still feel apprehensive...?? Get somebody else to
    make the call to your broker for you or place the order
    online ...

    Review your trades at the end of the week or month
    and note what you did right with the winners and
    what went wrong with the losers ... this will help you
    to fine-tune your trading plan to the point, where it
    becomes second-nature and your confidence in your
    methods is restored.

    Nobody says it will be easy, but the only way to
    overcome your fears is to face them ... and it's no
    different in the trading arena ... just DO IT !~!

    happy trading


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