labor or liberal?, page-16

  1. 2,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Freewill - I actually have no problem at all with Labour IDEALS. There are changes that need to be made to a market based system to ensure social equity happens and a safety net needs to be in place to make sure you dont end up with serious inequity.

    Its the IMPLEMENTATION of these ideals I have a big problem with. The labour politicians I have seen in Australia in the last decade are the most slimy, conniving, manipulative and short term vote chasers that I have ever come across in the world (asia included). Rudd was hopeless and caused untold damage financially and to Australias relationships around the globe. Gillard is twice as bad. Swan is so out of his depth it would be funny if he wasnt Treasurer. The backroom deals, the Arbibs, the Wongs, it just keep snowballing into the biggest gong show I have ever seen in Aussie politics. It needs a clean sweep. In WA where I am Alan Carpenter ensured that the Labour party was unelectable and it will stay that way regardless of how many people Barnett annoys.

    Labour needs to find a paul keating - at least there was a politician with a brain and ideas. I didnt agree with everything he did but he was a world class asset to Australia and accomplished a lot in a short time. The current bozos couldnt run a chook raffle.
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