Catch 22 by Joseph Heller (1923 to 1999) who was a great satirical novelist with a unique style and brand of humour. Other very good books by Joseph Heller that I have read, enjoyed & recommend include God Knows, Good As Gold, Something Happened, Picture This, Closing Time and No Laughing Matter. Catch 22 is widely & rightly (IMHO) regarded as the best WW2 satire but far less well known is the great WW1 satire The Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hasek (a book that I highly recommend). Another great satire that I highly recommend is The Yawning Heights by Alexander Zinoviev (a Russian philosopher and writer who was expelled from the Soviet Union for his anti-communist writings, so he was luckier than others who were killed or imprisoned in the gulags for their principled opposition to the tyranical soviet dictatorships of Stalin and his successors).