global warming panic explained, page-33

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Opaline
    If you think that the word "quip" means lie then I suggest you get a better dictionary, as well as be very very careful how you yourself word things.

    As you say you hope to grab some money by carbon sequestration it's easy to see why you are pushing the AGW thing. Dollars in pocket, same as an oil co. It's ok, it's business, I understand. You have bills as we all do, and you hope to pay yours by a government edict taking money from the rest of us and giving it to you. Now we know where you stand.

    You keep using the term " carbon pollution" (borrowed from Jooolz by any chance?)as if by reframing it in terms of "pollution" instead of the gas that makes your trees grow, it adds anything to the debate. It doesn't and just makes you look like you are trying to force the debate onto your terms alone. Not a good look.

    You may want a carbon tax not a cap and trade. Goldman Sachs and the rest of the Wall St vampires think otherwise so you lose. Do you really think that they will willingly give up a portion of the pie that they've helped to create?Ever tried taking a bone from a hungry rottie?

    You mention all the thousands dying from heat stress from alleged AGW( as if there were never any very hot days in the past) but which do think is a greater killer of the weak, elderly and infirm, heat or cold?

    Nuclear is the only option apart from coal. You will have a lot of fun trying to get the ideological( as opposed to profit seeking) greens to go with you on that one.They are into basket weaving and home chicken production, not like the smarties that will make a buck out of the whole scare.

    China and India do indeed have large nuclear programs but a much larger coal fired power industry. That is why we sell them coal.
    Just another point about coal fired power, when you say that it is filthy are you sure that you aren't just looking at steam from the condenser towers?
    many ordinary people see that and think that is "pollution" when it is only water vapour. So, where exactly is the "filth"? It can't be the CO2 as that is an invisible gas that makes plants grow, it can't be soot as most if to all is scrubbed out of the stacks, the ash is used in cement production so where is the "filth"? Or is that word only used for effect?


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