Loneliness defined by cgulls at 3am/4am??: posting on hotcopper cos i m tryin n have sobered up from superbowl lost.lol.
u know once we talked bout rare earth now it seems that talk is rare.lol drum roll ...now i m hearingvoices in my head talking up phosphate thanks to unrest in Egypt and possible spread to all the middle east imo yikes sounds like a good theory to jack up n shore up some phosphate shares such as MAK (Cha's fav...i just trade UCL when i see fit lol)imo.
if only phosphate was changed to phospluv i would trade more of it given i promote PEACE LUV n UNDERSTANDING... but hey i reckon daytraders will run a muck on phospHATE even if it means luv will not conquer all momentum and charts will phospHATE it all imo.
some phospahte articles written by some smarter than cgull people:lol http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/mining-energy/pure-speculation
mr k r -- PhospHATE unwanted researcher. hiccups hiccups.