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articles of interest

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    Thought I would start an "articles of interest" thread so that any articles relevant to the future potential of CEO could be posted under the one thread. Here's one from "The Age" this morning.

    Mongolia and miners get the taste for a rich relationship John Garnaut
    February 21, 2011

    DAYS after Rio Tinto's Stern Hu was arrested in Shanghai the company's chief executive, Tom Albanese, was driven through drizzling rain to Mongolia's annual Naadam festival.

    Hundreds of seven and eight-year-olds were racing horses over distances of up to 30 kilometres, while spectators crowded the finish line and horse owners mingled in gers (yurts) on the other. Albanese was so late he found himself as guest of honour in somebody's ger.

    There are conflicting accounts about who was proposing the toasts and why Albanese stayed in Mongolia as long as he did, but nobody disputes he became thoroughly acquainted with Mongolia's famous vodka and its notorious fermented mare's milk, airag. Those festivities lasted two full days.

    Advertisement: Story continues below "This is my first opportunity to relax and my cell phone doesn't work out here," Albanese then told his host and friend of 30 years, Edward Rochette. "Let's just say he had an opportunity to enjoy himself and let his hair down," Mr Rochette.

    When Albanese stopped for his drink at Ulan Bator, in July 2009, the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project was stuck in the

    Mongolian bureaucracy and Mongolia's main share index was trapped beneath 5000. But months later the Mongolian government inked the Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement. And last year the agreement officially commenced, construction began, international money poured in and Mongolia's share market index more than doubled to become the best performer in the world.

    In the first six weeks of this year the index has doubled again - hitting 29,550 on Friday - and the International Monetary Fund predicts the Mongolian economy will this year grow faster than China's. Indeed, it would be hard not to given construction of Oyu Tolgoi is generating about one third of the country's GDP, and the mine's exports will contribute a similar proportion when they come on stream next year.

    "We're spending about $7 million a day," says Andrew Harding, who heads Rio Tinto's copper division and oversees the Oyu Tolgoi project.

    Oyu Tolgoi may become one of the world's top three copper mines in one of the world's smallest economies and located across the border from the world's biggest copper consumer, but the story is at the bottom of the nation's business pages. That's because its Gobi Desert neighbour, Tavan Tolgoi - the world's second largest coal deposit after China's Shengli - is getting off the ground.

    As the government weighs its options on how to develop and structure the mine, investment bankers have swamped Ulan Bator hoping for a piece of the deal.

    "We had the top 55 international banking institutions here two weeks ago," Mongolia's Prime Minister, Sukhbaataryn Batbold, tells BusinessDay on the eve of this week's visit to Australia.

    "Now it's time to raise the sophistication of the institutions of democracy and civil society and basic economic institutions including the stock exchange."

    Mr Batbold, Mongolia's richest man, does not need reminding that the world is littered with energy-rich dictatorships and failing democracies. "Many investment banks believe the economy will double every three years," says Gankhuyag Chuluun, Mongolia's vice-minister for finance, who is advising Mr Batbold on structuring the Tavan Tolgoi deal. "We just need to shovel coal across the border and turn Mongolia's 2.7 million people into dollar millionaires," he says, with a smile. ''If we really want double digit growth from this year then we need to continue educating people and policy makers about the dangers of resource dependency."

    And to utilise the resources, he says, the country first needs to unlock its infrastructure bottlenecks.

    Down at Tavan Tolgoi, where temperatures can drop to minus 50 degrees Celsius, miners are beginning to scratch the surface of 6.5 billion tonnes of high-grade coal - equivalent to 2400 tonnes for every Mongolian. A small pocket of the reserve has been set aside for Mongolian Mining Corporation and its subsidiary, Energy Resources.

    The mining contract has been given to Australian company Leighton and the site looks like a world class operation. The pit is 2km long and 50m deep and may one day extend as far as 10km and 350m underground. They are currently shovelling the "no. 3" seam of high-grade coking coal, which is between 9 and 12 metres thick and begins just ten metres beneath the surface.

    International shortages are once again beginning to bite, with each new tire on the 240-tonne tip truck costing upwards of $30,000. But the biggest shortages are for labour.

    MMC has been exempted from a law that bans female truck drivers - a throwback to an age when only the strongest drivers could handle Mongolia's Russian-made trucks.

    "Women are better drivers because they have respect for what they are doing, whereas men just go flat out," says the Australian training director, as he demonstrates a driving simulator programmed to replicate the mine and simulate snow, ice and emergency conditions. "And we need any operator we can get."

    MMC is spending whatever it needs to overcome labour and equipment shortages, as it ramps production up to 7 million tonnes this year. But the picture of world class efficiency ends at the gate.

    The dirt road to China is so poor and dangerous it takes each of 400 trucks a full day to complete the 200km journey to the Chinese border. Many have landed on their sides when the road freezes over and drivers lose control. When the trucks get to the border they dump their loads at the edge of a city of sky-scrapers and formidable Chinese infrastructure, including a railway.

    MMC has urgent plans to pave the road to China but political hurdles stand in the way of a railway line. The Mongolian parliament has legislated that the government first connect Tavan Tolgoi with a Russian gauge line to Russia's rail network, a 70000km journey to Vladivostok. "We are landlocked, we would like to see [that] we have options in both directions,'' says Mr Batbold.

    As Mongolia suffers from labour and equipment shortages and infrastructure bottlenecks, and the parliament again debates whether to renegotiate over Oyu Tolgoi and hasn't agreed on the Tavan Tolgoi development, the question is no longer whether Mongolia will become the world's mining frontier but how it handles the boom.

    "I'd like to focus here on how the people of Mongolia get the benefits of the project,'' says Mr Batbold.

    The country has come a long way since Mr Batbold was a businessman, albeit the one who personally acquired the Tavan Tolgoi tenement after it was returned to the government by BHP Billiton.

    "This was up to BHP, it was a completely free commercial decision," says Mr Batbold, who was later required to hand it back to the government.

    Mr Rochette, who hosted Rio's Tom Albanese during the Naadam festivities and was Mongolia representative for Robert Friedland's Ivanhoe Mining, won't guess the current value of those Tavan Tolgoi mining rights. But he notes the 4.5 per cent owned by MMC is currently valued at US$4 billion on the Hong Kong stock exchange. It reminds Mr Rochette of when Mr Friedland sent him to Melbourne to personally negotiate for BHP Billiton to sell its Oyu Tolgoi rights to Ivanhoe. The purchase price was US$5 million, he says.

    Mongolia now stands on its own feet, Mr Friedland has become a multi-billionaire and Rio's Tom Albanese has swallowed numerous horns of fermented camel's milk to negotiate his way into driving Oyu Tolgoi. With copper prices up more than 50 per cent in six months and hovering around US$10,000 a tonne, and the value of Oyu Tolgoi's gold production alone covering the mine's operating costs, the Gobi Desert seems awash with profit.

    "This decade is going to be a great decade, great demand and supply struggling to keep up," says Mr Harding. "And from everything I see the following decade is going to be much the same. It will take much more than another Oyu Tolgoi coming on to satisfy that demand."

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