re: showdown to ching
"If you were consistently got a strike rate equal to HDRs, 5 outta 6, I would be very interested, and surprised. It's a shame HC doesn't allow us to trade a hypothetical portfolio online where we could allow our differing theories to compete in an objective way."
Yes it is, since my strike rate works out about the
same as HDR's, as it happens ...
"This fund is not registered with Bloomberg. In fact the Bloomberg site, with 8000 registered mutual fund has 4 Aussie funds but not a single astrology fund:"
.... we were talking about your search for a fund
in the US ... yes? Don't remember any mention of Oz.
"You didn't answer my third question about the lack of any very rich, successfull prominent traders."
No, it wasn't answered, because it cannot be proven
beyond doubt, either way and so, a waste of time ...
much like this thread now ... byeeee.
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