VLA 0.00% $1.75 viralytics limited

my short term view, page-17

  1. 2,493 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 184
    New investor in VLA just adding a couple of comments.

    Sammyk - I also am a fundamentals man but charts can sometimes indicate action that the general investor has no knowledge of so you have to take notice of them.

    On another point - the reason for coming in as an investor at this stage is that I like the story and come in from a background in regulatory affairs (new product development and registration) with a pharmaceutical company)and that they have a product that on the verge of a Phase 2 study for the treatment of late stage Melanoma. It is such a pivotal and exciting time for Viralytics.

    OK it is only a Phase 2 study (first formal study of the efficacy of a treatment against the specific disease in a small number of subjects) but if hopes for some succesful outcomes are realised that will be great for giving some hope that VLA will have a wonderful treatment for such a horrid disease.

    So many products fall at various stages of pre-clinical and clinical trials so there is a long way to go and this investment is therefore still largely speculative. If the trial is approved, goes ahead and shows some promise I will suggest the FDA will facilitate a speedy advance expand the patient group (earlier stage disease) and on to larger Phase 3 clinical studies. The FDA is cooperative at the best of times but when opportunities for the treatment of such widespread and deadly diseases as Melanoma surface they will enthusiastically assist and drive the regulatory processes leading to early marketing.

    Exciting times - good luck

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Currently unlisted public company.

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