weekend charting 26/27 february, page-135

  1. 4,435 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 995
    High All as usual just a great thread even though we are missing some of the gurus. Lots of TU from me! Lots of banter back & forth which I for one appreciate. (Love it when peops take time to comment on charts; thats how I/we learn!)

    Some thoughts I had on my readings on the way through;

    dgoransson; you are a MACHINE!
    adventra09; was going to comment on your 1st AGK; like your amended chart V much!

    jimmy1000; are the grey bars on the left of your charts the vol on price function from PRT? Have had a play & seem a great way of determining where smart money buying (&selling) which I guess equates to support & resistance. Anyone else using them or got a thought? (I remember someone using them ages ago and I asked some questions but to be honest I dont think I actually understood purpose but now and several thousand charts later they just seem so sensible!)

    Mitta, have a copy of Master the Markets that you gave reference to the other day & intend to read on plane to Perth today. Will f/back my thoughts. (I might yet understand your dark art!)

    AGO like the charts by Jako64 & falling knife. Saw potential for a short term H&S that is worth keeping eye on though.


    RHM for falling knife, RHM Weekly fibs


    RHM Daily LT forks


    RHM Daily up closer with logical st target IMO


    Jako 64 (I think?) posted SSN with fibs which I did not quite understand. My thoughts on fibs below. Any other thoughts?


    MHM Weekly fibs


    MHM Daily


    & my charts of bhp which I would be interested for anyone to comment on?
    bhp weekly with fibs


    bhp daily with a LT fork & vol stuff


    bhp daily with forks

    If anyone could post COH & BLY I would be thankful/

    bhp daily up close


    Cheers & hope to meet lots of you at the Brissie meet.
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