VPE 0.00% 41.5¢ victoria petroleum nl

Worth a punt?, page-6

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    And more............


    HOMEX - Adelaide




    Victoria Petroleum continued over the past quarter to target oil and
    gas prospects in the prolific hydrocarbon basins of California, USA,
    a core operations and exploration area for the past four years. The
    basins targeted are the San Joaquin and Salinas Basins.


    The San Joaquin Basin to date has seen production of some 9 billion
    barrels of oil and 11 trillion cubic feet of gas from discoveries of
    12 billion barrels of oil and 12 trillion cubic feet of gas. The
    basin has excellent pipeline infrastructure which delivers oil and
    gas to the major coastal based population and industrial centres, in
    particular San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

    Natural gas has been an attractive exploration target as the
    California energy supply problems of the world's sixth largest
    economy will be revisited at some time in the future.

    As Australian domestic gas prices approximate US$1.30 to US$1.50 per
    gas unit and are less than Californian prices, prospects in the San
    Joaquin Basin are a priority, exploration and development investment
    for Victoria Petroleum. The excellent local pipeline infrastructure
    ensures rapid development of any discovery and delivery to a large
    energy consuming market.

    Highlights of the last quarter and future events in the company's
    active California exploration drilling operations follow.


    The Eagle Oil Pool Development Project is targeting a stratigraphic
    trap, containing up to 24 million barrels of oil and 62 billion cubic
    feet of gas in the Upper and Lower Gatchell Sandstone. The initial
    stage of development of the Eagle Oil Pool is planned to be carried
    out by initially re-entering and developing the lower reservoir sand
    from the Mary Bellocchi-1 well by a combination of a vertical
    sidetrack from casing and reservoir development by horizontal
    drilling technology.

    In 1986, the Mary Bellocchi-1 well flowed 223 barrels of 42deg API
    oil per day and 820,000 cubic feet of gas per day before excessive
    water from a poor cement job and migration of fines interfered with
    the flow of hydrocarbons.

    It is believed that horizontal drilling technology, not available in
    the mid 1980's, should solve the engineering problems that occurred
    during completion and testing of the vertical well and importantly
    result in a three to four fold increase in oil and gas flow rates.
    Prior to the re-entry of Mary Bellocchi-1 and commencement of
    development operations at Eagle No 1 in May 2001, in excess of 100
    barrels of gassy, clean 42deg API oil was produced from the well bore
    during clean up operations and tanked.

    Regrettably, the May-July 2001 development drilling of Eagle No 1 to
    a depth of 4,330 metres measured depth was plagued by mechanical
    problems which caused non completion for production testing of the
    271 metre horizontal leg drilled within the Upper and Lower Gatchell

    However, interpretation of well data indicates a gross section of 131
    metres (net of oil pay 91 metres) was intersected in the near
    horizontal well bore over the interval, 4,177 metres to 4,207 metres
    (30 metres) in the Upper Gatchell and 4,229 metres to 4,330 metres
    (101 metres) in the Lower Gatchell.

    This net section ("pay") was noted to have good to excellent porosity
    and in spite of the high mud weight used in drilling, indications of
    hydrocarbons were present, namely suppressed fluorescence and C1 to
    C6 hydrocarbon readings. Of importance is the fact that the pay is
    some 6 to 7 times the extent of the combined vertical thickness of
    the Gatchell sands encountered in the adjacent Mary Bellocchi-1 well
    which flowed 223 barrels of oil and 820,000 cubic feet of gas per day
    to the surface in 1986.

    This method of proposed completion to recover hydrocarbons to the
    surface is not uncommon in the USA.

    The technical difficulties encountered while drilling the horizontal
    leg have prevented immediate testing of the interpreted 91 metres of
    oil pay. In mid August 2001, Eagle No 1 was suspended and cased with
    a 4(1/2)" liner string and drill pipe as an intermediate casing
    string to a depth of 3,939 metres, 238 metres above the Gatchell oil
    zone so that completion and testing of the target Gatchell Sandstone
    oil zone with a coiled tubing unit and workover rig can take place.

    The resumption of completion and testing operations of the suspended
    horizontal well bore in Eagle No 1 is planned to take place in the
    second half of 2002 following the completion of the current
    engineering analysis, the resolution of a dispute with a joint
    venture partner and remaining fellow joint venture partner approvals.
    Victoria Petroleum plans to increase its interest in the Eagle

    The drilling results to date confirm that the Eagle Oil Pool
    Development Project is essentially low risk in geologic nature. The
    commerciality of the oil and gas reserves present in the Eagle Oil
    Field is dependent on the oil and gas flow rates that can be obtained
    from the horizontal well bores planned to be drilled into the field
    following successful completion and production testing of the Eagle
    No 1 horizontal well bore.

    Subsequent to the suspension of the Eagle No 1 well for future
    completion and testing, the drilling rig under contract to Victoria
    Petroleum NL was moved to the Kingfisher Prospect, 60 kilometres to
    the southeast of Eagle No 1.

    Kingfisher Prospect - 32.37% Interest

    The Kingfisher Prospect was a multiple target structural trap
    interpreted from seismic data to have the potential to contain
    significant reserves of oil and gas, within the Mya, Vedder,
    Domengine and Cretaceous target sands. Drilling commenced in
    September 2001 with the well drilled to a total depth of 4,275

    Although moderate to good gas shows were encountered in the Mya,
    Vedder and Cretaceous sands drilled, subsequent wireline logs, and
    formation testing indicated the absence of commercial hydrocarbons.

    However the wireline formation tester recovery of gas from the
    Cretaceous Morris sands at 4,100 metres confirms the migration of gas
    through the Kingfisher area and is considered to enhance the updip
    potential of the Cretaceous Morris sands in the Raven Prospect 5
    kilometres to the east.

    Significant oil and gas potential was also considered a strong
    possibility for the Monterey Formation McClure Shale sequence in
    Kingfisher No 1. Support for the hydrocarbon potential of the
    Monterey Formation sequence in the Kingfisher Prospect area is
    provided by the strong Monterey Formation gas shows seen in adjacent
    wells, the reported Monterey Formation gas discovery of 3 TCF
    gas-in-place reported by Tri-Valley Oil and Gas Company at their
    Sunrise No 1 well 10 kilometres to the south east and the Monterey
    oil production from the Shafter and Wasco areas, 16 kilometres to the

    Your company is excited about the recent developments in the Shafter
    area where EOG recently announced a 127 development well program
    extending their Monterey trend horizontal drilling and fracturing
    activity north east to within 10 kilometres of the Kingfisher-Raven
    area. Several wells in the EOG area are reported to have flowed in
    excess of 1,000 barrels of oil per day.

    Within the Kingfisher area, the Monterey Formation trend may have the
    potential for up to 22 million barrels of oil or several hundred
    billion cubic feet of gas in place based on the extrapolation of
    reported oil production from the Wasco/Shafter area on trend to the
    south, with the gas estimate based on the potential gas-in-place
    reserves for the adjacent Sunrise area, 10 kilometres to the east,
    reported by Tri-Valley Oil & Gas Co.

    Confirmation of the hydrocarbon potential of the Upper Monterey
    McClure Shale horizon while drilling was provided by elevated total
    gas readings and gas shows over an interval of 126 metres from 2,393
    metres to 2,518 metres with gas readings in excess of 100 units of
    total gas in 6 zones with net interval of 32 metres. The gas shows
    and increase in rate of penetration through the higher gas peak zones
    indicates favourable porosity, confirmed by subsequent wireline logs.

    Further confirmation of the potential hydrocarbon potential of the
    Upper Monterey Zone was provided by the wireline logs which had
    similar characteristics to the logs from the producing Monterey zone
    on trend to the south.

    Based on the very encouraging results obtained from the Upper
    Monterey McClure Shale formation while drilling and post well
    evaluation, it is considered that Victoria has a potentially
    significant Monterey Formation asset. Full realisation of the
    potential oil reserves in the Monterey will require a re-entry of the
    Kingfisher No 1 well and the horizontal drilling and fracture
    stimulation of the best developed zone in the Upper Monterey McClure
    Shale. Victoria Petroleum plans to farmout its share of the costs of
    this horizontal drilling program, most likely in second half of 2002.
    Industry interest has been expressed in the Kingfisher horizontal
    drilling farmin opportunity.


    As part of the ongoing exploration program on the east side of the
    San Joaquin Basin, it is planned in late 2002 following farmout to
    resume drilling with the drilling of Raven No 1 on the Raven
    Prospect, 5 kilometres to the north east of Kingfisher No 1. The
    Raven Prospect is a seismically defined structural high-side fault
    block prospect, interpreted to have the potential to contain up to 75
    million barrels of oil and 192 billion cubic feet of gas in multiple
    Monterey, Vedder, Allison, Domengine and Cretaceous target horizons.

    The multiple hydrocarbon target zones expected in the Raven Prospect
    are anticipated to be drilled from 2,000 metres to the planned drill
    depth of 3,500 metres.

    The Raven Prospect, like the Kingfisher Prospect is considered to be
    well positioned in the developing Monterey oil and gas production
    trend currently under active development by EOG and Texaco, 12
    kilometres to the south.

    A Monterey target of up to 22 million barrels of oil or several
    hundred billion cubic feet of gas-in-place is considered present in
    the Raven Prospect based on the Monterey drilling results at
    Kingfisher No 1 and in the three wells drilled immediately adjacent
    to the Raven Prospect.

    Strong industry interest has been expressed in the opportunity to
    participate in the drilling of the Raven Prospect as a result of its
    position on the newly developing Monterey Formation producing oil
    trend. The first participation agreement by an outside industry
    partner has already been signed.

    At the time of drilling of the Raven Prospect in mid 2002, Victoria
    Petroleum NL plans to have a 34% near free carried interest.


    Adjacent to the Kingfisher-Raven area, Victoria Petroleum has also
    delineated the 100 billion cubic feet gas potential Condor and
    Cockatoo Prospects as candidates for drilling in the future following
    farmout, targeting the Monterey Formation and underlying Cretaceous

    Victoria Petroleum NL also has a significant 19% interest in the
    Pipeline Prospect, situated 8kms to the east of the Bellevue-1 gas
    discovery well which blew out November 23, 1998 at a depth of 5,380
    metres and estimated rate of 100 million cubic feet of gas and 3,000
    barrels of oil per day.

    The Pipeline Prospect is currently being evaluated at no cost to
    Victoria Petroleum by the adjacent well, EKHO-1 drilled by Tri-Valley
    Corporation. The EKHO-1 well is being prepared by the operator,
    Tri-Valley Corporation, for additional fracture stimulation and
    testing to determine the productivity of the deep gas sands
    encountered by drilling recently.

    This testing will be of great significance to Victoria Petroleum NL
    as our Pipeline Prospect lies within the EKHO Prospect boundaries.
    EKHO-1 will provide an effectively free evaluation of the potential
    of the Pipeline Prospect, interpreted by Victoria Petroleum NL to
    contain up to 2.1 trillion cubic feet of gas and 346 million barrels
    of oil.

    Your company is confident that in the event of a commercially
    successful completion and production testing program at EKHO-1 that
    Victoria Petroleum can attract a farminee to drill, complete and
    production test Pipeline No 1 at no cost to Victoria Petroleum NL
    providing the company with a free carried interest in the well.

    The Bellevue discovery on the western side of the basin and recent
    Monterey Formation oil production and development activity on the
    eastern side of the basin provide support for Victoria Petroleum NL's
    belief that significant undiscovered oil and gas reserves remain in
    the area of interest covered by the San Joaquin Basin Joint Venture.


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