i am over these do gooders

  1. 11,672 Posts.
    I am over these do gooders.
    I posted a legitimate piece about a Muslim woman who I felt was a poor representative to be our Australian youth ambassador at the UN and got dumped on by these do gooders. They pulled the race card and all the political correctness stunts possible.
    However, when it come to what these terrible Muslim despots are doing to their own people, along with the violence and suppression and the mess they are all in , we hear boo from them about that. They do go on about the carbon tax, how articulate and how great this Ambassador is, how some on hot Copper are racists . Well if you are all so compassionate, you do gooders and your Ambassador should get over and help to these oppressed subjugated people and give them a hand.
    Really I have had enough, no more putting up with this jelly back attitude.
    I believe we have a say on who let in to this country, if you wish to assimilate become a loyal hard working Aussie, welcome aboard, if you want to dump on us get out and go somewhere else.
    This is a great county ? being taken over by Jelly backs.

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