intelligent voter's guide to global warming, page-58

  1. 599 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Science forum, right?

    (Ref:"Heat and thermodynamics" - Mark W.Zemanski)

    HEAT CAPACITY - When heat is absorbed by a system, a change of temperature may or may not take place, depending on the process. If a system undergoes a change of temperature from xi
    to xf during the transfer of Q units of heat, the average HEAT CAPACITY of the system is defined as the ratio

    Average heat capacity = Q/xf - xi

    SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY (SPECIFIC HEAT) - The heat capacity of a system per unit mass.

    The heat capacity may be negative, zero, positive, or infinite, depending on the process the system undergoes during the heat transfer. It has a definite value only for a definite process. In the case of a hydrostatic system, the ratio of heat transferred to change in temperature has a unique value when the PRESSURE is kept constant. Similarly, it has another unique value when VOLUME is kept constant.

    THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM - Achieved when each of the following conditions are met:

    1) Mechanical Equilibrium - achieved when there is no unbalanced force in the interior of a system and also none between a system and its surroundings.

    2) Chemical Equilibrium - occurs when a system in mechanical equilibrium does not tend to undergo a spontaneous change of internal structure, such as a chemical reaction, or a transfer of matter from one part of the system to another, such as diffusion.

    3) Thermal Equilibrium - all parts of a system are at the same temperature, and this temperature is the same as that of its surroundings.

    NOTE: Classical Thermodynamics not deal with RATE at which a process takes place, which is the realm of other branches of science, such as the kinetic theory of gases, hydrodynamics, and chemical kinetics.



    No, not talking here about irate posters, tearing each other to bits. Talking about The Goddess of Love. Fire and brimstone, if there ever was. You can do your own DYOR on that one. For a study of the Greenhouse and warming, you don't need to stray too far from Planet Earth. Try VENUS.

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